Be Like Luke...

How do you imagine your relationship with God?
If God is a parent,
Are you a spiritual toddler, teenager or adult?

I don't know about you,
But I was never really taught on the journey AFTER you accept Jesus and get saved, but as I read the opening of the book of Luke, it had some great characteristics that we can learn from in our walk with Jesus.

In the very beginning of Luke, he writes...
"Many have undertaken to draw up an account... I myself have CAREFULLY INVESTIGATED everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an ORDERLY account... so that you may know the CERTAINTY of the things you have been taught."

Wow, there are 2 gems that popped out at me in how we should do things as a Jesus followers.

What are the things that Luke mentioned in this opening that is soooo Jesus?

There are 2 things that hit me hard (in a good way) that needs to be part of the FRUIT we bear as Jesus followers.

Luke says, "I myself have CAREFULLY INVESTIGATED everything""

- Do we carefully investigate everything with God or assume a lot of things? Do we ask Him about details in our business? Who we should hire? What to spend money on? What marketing or technology we should use? Do we carefully investigate with God or NOT?

"I too decided to write an ORDERLY account"

- Are we orderly in the way we do things?

"[God] is not a God of confusion and disorder but of peace and order"
Or do we let chaos emerge when things get busy?
Do we reflect God's excellence in ALL we do?

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord"
If you looked at your small menial tasks as something that is being done directly for Jesus, how would your attitude change? Would the quality change? If so, go ahead and make that change because you ARE doing it for Jesus.

The great thing about God is no matter how far you have gone off road, He will always lead you back one step at a time.
He is gentle,
He is faithful,
He is patient.

So do this...
Ask the question "Holy Spirit, what is ONE thing You want me to SEEK You on?"

"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me be like LUKE,
Help me CAREFULLY INVESTIGATE things with You,
Help me be ORDERLY with You.

If I have strayed, forgive me,
If I have ignored your guidance, forgive me,
Help me turn my eyes back to You,
Help me adjust my thinking and my habits.

Help me bear Your fruits of love, ORDER and patience,
May I have the spirit of excellence in ALL that I do,
May I resist chaos and disorder so Your peace can rest in my life and my workplace.

Help me become more like You each day.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

Cheers to a becoming more like LUKE... but really JESUS! ^_^
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