Be Still And...

Without a doubt, we've all had time to be "still" more than we ever expected to in the last week.

Between closed restaurants, shortened hours, canceled kids sports activities, canceled events and masterminds...
To top it off, you know it's big when Disney Land closes down, like WHOA!!
Talk about the feeling of coming to a screeching halt!

And yet....
The world is still turning and life is still moving on.
...and we've had more "still" time than we ever planned on.

Some say that "life happens FOR us".
Let's assume that's true for a moment.
This begs the question... what is the benefit of this stillness in your life?
How does this brief "pause" help you see and develop as a person, a parent, a spouse, or a friend?
What forgotten dreams or desires are you remembering in the midst of being still?

Asking myself this question, here are some thoughts that surfaced...

In being forced to be still, it's a great reminder that we all need to make time to be still ... and rest, recover and rejuvenate.
Many of us are addicted to being on the go, go, go.
As a result, being still feel foreign, weird and unnecessary.
Many of us have convinced ourselves that we can't be still. It's just not our "thing".

Well how about this?

From a strictly practical standpoint, we need to protect and strengthen our immune system.
How do we do that?
Self care.

What is self care?
How do you self care?

Here's some questions to ask yourself...

How much sleep do you get a night?
How much does your body needs to feel at it's best?
Are you willing to get that amount of sleep so you can strengthen your immune system and NOT get the coronavirus?

Isn't it interesting that when you add the reasoning of the coronavirus, it all of a sudden shoots it up on the priority list?
Without the virus as a reason, we easily compromise sleep.
We easily compromise self care.
We easily compromise our health.

Now let's look at your morning. This is more important than most people think...

What is the best time to get up after a good night's sleep?
What activities or practices "fill your tank" personally, energetically or spiritually?
What if you started your morning at a peaceful pace with joy and excitement?

What if you stopped grabbing your phone first thing in the morning?
What if you stopped polluting your morning with feeling the stress and urgency to put out fires?

Instead, what if every morning you take care of you, fill your tank first?
How would that change how you show up for the rest of the day?
How would it feel to start off the day with the best version of you every single day?

You can.
All you have to do is learn to be still and...

Take care of you.
Make time.
Make space.
Make you a priority.

If you ever had the thought that you're meant to do something amazing, you are.
If you ever had the thought that you're special and unique, you are.
And because you are...

You're meant to be the best version of you every day.
You're meant to discover new possibilities on a regular basis.
You're meant to be still... and tap into your purpose to let it fuel you.

Remember to be still.
Remember to listen.
Remember to feel.

Have an amazing rest of your week! :)
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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