Become Fools So That You May Become Wise.

"You should become 'fools' 
so that you may become wise." 

The urgency of the day is always pressing.
Waiting for a time when things will slow down?
Don't hold your breath bud!
That's closer to a myth rather than reality.

When the money is flowing, common sense would be...
Keep going.
Keep doing what you're doing.
Keep on keepin' on.
Any other decision would be foolish, right?

Many choose to keep going.
Burn the midnight oil.
Burn both ends of the candle.
All for the sake of... 
Saying yes to money.
Saying yes to prospects, clients, and agents.
Because saying no would be foolish, right?

"When you say YES to one thing...
You're saying NO to another."

What are you saying NO to?
Your health?
Your sanity?
What is the price you or your family is paying?
Is it worth it?

Exposing the lie...
The inability to stop working.
You know it's bad when a person is paying the price with their own health or their relationships.
The root cause for this is usually an underlying fear or lie in their belief.

The lie usually sounds something like this.
The lie that they HAVE to work like this and there's no other option.
The lie that this is what real estate is like.
The lie that there's no other way.
The lie that relationships will be ok even if you damage it.

This causes you to...
Keep going.
Suck it up buttercup.
This is what you signed up for. 
A delusion of obessions masked by "work ethic" or duty.
Deep inside, you know it's not right.
You wouldn't ever wish this on your children.
And yet you can't stop.
You choose not to stop.

Deep down your heart wants more.
Your mind dares to hope for better.
Your soul cries for your loved ones.

I'm here to tell you there is a better way to work and live.
The truth is, life has more options.
Real estate has more options.
You've gotten so used to working like crazy that you forgot to hope for something different.
You've gotten so used to this life that hoping for anything different seems foolish.

I've been where you're at.
I worked the 80-100 hours a week.
I loved what I did.
I didn't know how to stop.
Until I discovered systems.

The truth is, if you're willing to be foolish enough to slow down to get systems that run your business and have the right people helping you.
You can make more income with less work.
The truth is you have more options than you know.
It is possible to work smarter not harder. 

If you'd like to see exactly how it's done.

Let's talk. 

Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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