Best Jesus Show Evaaa!! - Must watch
I have never...
...recommended a TV series in these emails ever, but this one must be shared.
It's a show called "The Chosen".
It is the only multi-series TV show on the life of Jesus... and it's FREE!
The quality is great!
The production itself is a faith-based move of God.
So good.
The director is passionate Christian and they pray in production, during shoots and writing... it's a regular part of their operation.
Love it!!

Jesus is coming to the MARKETPLACE! Yes!!!
In all industries.
In all shapes and forms.
Through all people.
The "good, bad, and ugly". (Whatever that means)
Jesus was never intended to be stuck under a steeple.
Jesus ministered TO the people.
To the streets.
To the marketplace.
To the sick.
To the outcast.
Of all the days in his ministry, how many were under the roof of a religious organization?
Very few and they were mostly unpleasant.
Jesus wants to come out into the MARKETPLACE.
He's calling you to open that door.
What is the role He wants you to play in this movement?
Not just in TV, but in business.
In your industry.
In your home.
In your heart.
Discover a whole new side of Jesus.
One you never knew.
One He wants to show you.
Oh, btw...
"The Chosen" is the largest crowd-funded TV show ever.
They are not going through any major studio or network to release it.
They don't have to play by "politically correct" rules.
They are free to represent Jesus without hinderance.
This show does a fantastic job of telling the story of Jesus AND his disciples and bringing the humanness of everyone to life.
We forget that Jesus was human.
We forget that the disciples were a hot mess.
We forget that their troubles then are our troubles now.
How things have not changed much when we take time to pause.
Here's all the social links for the show.
Season 1 - Trailer 1
Season 1 - Trailer 2
The Chosen - Facebook Page
The Chosen - Youtube Page
The Chosen - Website (Angel Studios)