Bible Reading Myth Busters...!
I don't know about you, but I had the hardest time reading the bible.
The few attempts I made felt like a new form of torture.
The boredom was unreal.
It was worse than reading a history textbook! (I slept through history class, btw.)
I couldn't help but think...
"Is reading the bible really necessary?
Can't I just listen to sermons or podcasts?
Reading the bible is dry and boring. It's not for me."

However, what I came to discover is that there were a lot of myths around reading the bible and I want to BUST some of those today with you.
Myth #1: If I think reading the bible is boring, I must be a "bad" Christian.
TRUTH: Uh nooo...! Don't get discouraged. I totally thought the bible was boring! No one ever taught me how to enjoy it or how to invite Holy Spirit into the process. Always remember to invite Him to your reading session and ask Him to bring the words to life and make it pop. He will!
Myth #2: The bible is dry and boring.
TRUTH: It can seem that way at first, but seek God with your whole heart and He will never fail you. God's word literally contains LIFE in it's writing and it is the only book that reads YOU as you read it. You just have to read it the right way (and it's not out of obligation or rushing through it). Don't give up until you get a taste of doing it the right way.
Myth #3: I need to start reading the bible from Genesis.
TRUTH: Noooo!!! If you're newer at reading the bible, do NOT start there. I recommend starting with one of the gospels and my personal favorite is Luke or John. Then go to Acts. This is only MY personal opinion and there are other ways too. Just don't start with Genesis if you're newer at reading the bible. (Again, just my opinion supported by many others.)
Myth #4: I don't understand anything when I read the bible.
TRUTH: Holy Spirit is the key to bringing the bible to life. Take your time and literally ask Holy Spirit "What do you want me to notice? What are you trying to show me?" and then sit quiet and listen. Write down anything you see, sense or feel.
Myth #5: I just want to get through it. Let's get it over with.
TRUTH: Whooaaa nelly! The last thing you want to do is rush through reading the bible. Less is MORE. It's much better to read one chapter or one paragraph rather than rush through a bunch of text you don't understand or get anything out of. Take your time to ask Holy Spirit for his pointers and wait for His answer. Don't rush reading the bible ever. It's just not productive.
As we peel back the layers to reading the bible and what stops us, remember that the bible is your FOOD for your Spirit.
You're supposed to consume daily.
So imagine this...
If you pictured the health of your Spirit based on how much you feed it, what would your Spirit man look like?
Healthy and thriving?
Kinda hungry cuz you missed a couple meals?
Or skin and bones in the ICU?
Reading the bible is one of the ESSENTIAL ways for you to grow spiritually.
This is not an obligation but a BENEFIT for your growth.
This is not a task but a FOOD for your soul.
Reply and let me know what is the condition of your Spirit man? ^_^