Biggest Results = Biggest Obedience

Common knowledge states that in order to get the biggest results, you have to put in the biggest effort.

What if that is not true?

What if that is limited thinking and it's actually holding us back?

What if our formula to success in life is... incorrect?

What if the busy-ness of the day keeps us so distracted that we don't even know that we are drifting away from God's plan in our lives.

What if the busy-ness drowns out God's voice so we can only hear our own thoughts and worries.

What if we're Christian on the "outside" but barely believing on the inside?

That's the way I lived for most of my life.

Striving, acheiving, planning, bigger, better, never-ending...

Then one day, it all became very UN-interesting to me.

Money didn't motivate me.
Exponential growth... whatever.
Scaling the business... blah.
Yak, yak, yak...

So now what?

The game just got old.
I needed something bigger.
I needed something more life changing.
I needed something more impacting.
More... eternal.

All the striving and acheiving in this world of business is so temporary.
Focusing on MY nubmers, MY goals, MY vision was not big enough.
I became dissatisfied.
I became restless.
I was very uncomfortable.

Holy Spirit does that sometimes.

When God feels it's time to stir the pot,
To open up a new chapter,
He must close the old one.

It's exciting and a little nerve racking at the same time.
When the desires and excitement that you're used to goes away or changes...
You don't know why,
You don't know what is coming next,
Or IF anything is coming next.

This state of LIMBO can be very daunting.
In a world of "action", INACTION is disturbing.
It feels wrong, but it's right.
It seems too slow, but it's perfect.
It seems something's missing, but it's all there.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And do not lean on your own understanding,
In all your ways acknowledge him,

And He will make your paths straight."

For all those approaching, in the middle of or coming out of a LIMBO state...
Welcome and/or Congratulations!

Enjoy the process.
God's got something great planned for you.
He doesn't play small.
If you want big, God will give you BIG.
But His process is totally different.

"[His] ways are higher than [our] ways."

Our human mind may think it's "stupid".
Our human heard may think it's "wrong".
Our human ego may feel the need to "grow".

Just be patient.
Be obedient.
Seek God.
And Wait.

The bigger your obedience = the bigger the results.

That's God's formula.

Jesus' death on the cross was the ultimate form of obedience.
Look what He accomplished.
He struggled too.
He asked for His heavenly father to take away the gruesome death.
He begged THREE times.
And yet, He obeyed unto death.

This was the biggest payoff in the history of the universe.

What type of results do you want?
Are you willing to be obedient enough to receiving it?

I lovingly challenge you to take a look at how obedient you are to God's will throughout the day?

How often do you check to see if what you're doing is God's will?
Have you even asked God ONCE?
Or do you assume?
You know what they say... "Assumption is the mother of all..."

Don't mess up by assuming God's will.
Seek. Listen. Obey.
And you will surely be lifted up by God's righteous right hand.

Cheers to your success!
Growth Systems for the Ready & Willing
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