Bless the Hell Out of...
Does it go against your natural instinct to...
"love your enemies,
bless those who curse you."
Getting along today is hard.
Heated conversations on election, wearing masks, who's lives matters...
Today's news creates more enemies than friends.
How can we stomach the idea of blessing our enemies? (barf)
Here's the problem.
Our human minds think...
Blessing enemies = they get their way.
Blessing enemies = "they win, we lose".
Blessing enemies = evil prevails.
What if that's wrong?
What if...
Blessing our enemies = God gets His way.
God's way = Person's best, most happy life.
When person is living their best life, that's true blessing.
When someone is truly blessed,
They are deeply happy.
They are filled with joy.
Their happiness overflows.
It overflows to others.
In this overflow...
There's no more desire for power or greed.
There's no more need for corruption.
There's no place lies or manipulation.
A blessed person is generous.
A blessed person is honest, loving, compassionate and gentle.
A blessed person is a win for everyone.
Could you imagine our government and politicians being blessed?
That's why we should bless.
That's why we should bless our enemies.
That's why we should bless ALL our politicians (yes, even you know who...)
Blessing others = unleasing the best TO everyone.
Blessing others = the best FOR everyone.
When you bless others, God handles the rest.
Let God handle the mess, the slime, the corruption, the lies the fear.
Blessing others means...
Transforming evil into good.
Turning corrupt swamps into to clean water.
Lies disappearing and truth appearing.
Defeating hate and letting love conquer all.
So... bless 'em all, I say!

Bless them so much that you bless the HELL out of them.
Bless the anger out of them.
Bless the greed out of them.
Bless the corruption out of them.
Bless the lies out of them.
Bless the fear out of them.
Bless the evil out of them.
Bless the hell out of them.
Bless supernatural love into them.
Bless happiness into them.
Bless kindness into them.
Bless generosity into them.
Bless peace into them.
Bless the fullness of God's plan into their life.
So why not bless...
Every dirty politician, and person in government,
Every criminal, addict, thief, murderer,
Every family, friend, child, co-worker and countrymen.
Leave no one un-blessed.
Bless them all.
So next time you feel yourself in disgust over a Facebook comment, politician, mask-wearing or un-wearing...
Just bless the hell out of them.
Say this blessing:
"I bless you and your family.
I bless your business, your health and your life.
I bless the hell out of you.
I bless supernatural peace and love into you.
I unleash the fullness of God's plan into your life. Amen."
Have fun and laugh while doing it.
Bless while you're fighting traffic, even the slow truck next to you.
Bless the drivers and their business.
Even the one who just cut you off.
Bless the hell out of their day.
Our words and thoughts hold power.
Power to heal, destroy, raise up or tear down.
You can change the world one blessing at a time.
So I end with this...
"May your words be filled with blessings.
May your blessings heal the lands.
May the lands be rich and plenty.
With blessings that fill your hands.
May the blessings continue forever,
With love and overflow,
We're all in this together,
Forever blessed we shall grow."
Blessing others sometimes makes me laugh.
Sometimes makes me happy, playful or goofy.
What does blessing others do for you?
Let me know.
Cheers to your success!