Boldness In Your Business

As entrepreneurs, we have the heart of a lion.
A boldness that plows through challenges and finds the light on the other end.

There are different types of boldness and I want to introduce you to another one.
A boldness to incorporate God into your business.
Boldness to be his hands and feet in real estate.
Boldness to tear down the walls between God, business, and personal life.

One are of life should not be a stranger to another.
It should not be isolated like a diseased parts of your life.

Instead, It should fuel on another.
God should move easily throughout all areas of life so that 1+1=5.

Unfortunately, we have been taught by society that religion and politics are hands-off.
Only because most people created conflict because of it.
Somehow this hands-off approach chocked the conversations about God in our business. It's not a normal conversation to have.

Let's flip the script.
How about allow God to use us in our business to share faith, hope and love.

Here's some surprising results I found when...
I offered a sandwich.
Not just any sandwich, a "prayer sandwich". 

In my meetings this past week with many new faces and names, I asked the question...
"By any chance, are you a man/woman of faith?"

I know, I know. 
Don't talk about religion and politics.
I was curious.
I couldn't help it.
I was shocked by the outcome.

I heard "Why yes, I am."
all the way to a proud declaration of ...
"Yes. I believe in God, the trinity and that Jesus came and died for us. He's our Lord and Savior. I'm glad to see people speaking out like this."

I never expected that.

Next, I asked.
"Do you mind if we kick off this call with a prayer?"

Over 91.6% said "yes".
I bet it's going to be higher by next week.
You can tell some were shocked and others were excited.

Wow! I would have never imagined.
I was surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ and I never knew it.

In some meetings, the energy completely shifted after the prayer.
The shift was good.
I want some more of it.

What I learned is...
God is good.
All the time.
He surrounds us with brothers and sisters to love, serve and support.

Let me tell you what...
I am so pumped about this discovery.
Who'd a thunk it.
I declare, it is now logically practical to share God in our business.
How cool is that?
This opens up a whole new layer of love and connection I didn't even know was there.
I'm so grateful to God that He opened my eyes on this.

In conclusion:
I invite you to spread your wings and be gentle, loving and bold.
Gently inquire who's a believer around you.

I bet you'd be surprised. I bet your heart will be warmed every time you find someone who says "yes".
This is the ultimate God-given lead generation, lol.

I bet you'd put a smile on God's face by reaching out.
I pray that your boldness and love for Christ will make you "soar on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not be faint."

When you are willing to be "Bold for God", you will find new passion and energy that only God can give.

You will find love and peace that surpasses all understanding. These are fruits (natural byproducts) of being in God's will.

So won't you be bold (or a little crazy) with me today?
Ask God how he wants you too serve?
Remove fear and lies about removing God from our conversations.
Be gentle, loving and passionate.
"For God did not give you the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind."

I believe in You.
"You are wonderfully and fearfully made."

Step into your purpose.
Embrace the gifts you have been given.
Let God lead the way.
His plan is the best, yours is not.
Victory is yours for taking.

Go forth.
Kick butt and take names.
In Jesus name. Amen
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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