Breaking Chaos...

Have you ever smashed your foot on the gas and accelerator at the same time in your car?

Do you remember what that felt like?

It's this herky jerky motion that tosses your head forwards then backwards  to give you whiplash.

Similarly, have you felt the fire and excitement of growing your business and the burden of chaos and disorganization at the same time?

Chaos is sneeky. It's creeps up on you while you're building momentum. Like a boa constrictor, it slowly getts it's grip on you without you noticing...
Then when it starts to squeeze the breath out of you...
The panick sets in you're gasping for air.

This is what's called "chains of chaos".
It can take the breath out of you.
It can stifle your growth and excitement.

The solution: "breaking chaos".

Breaking chaos is a necessary and natural part of every business.
Chaos is a visitor that inevitably comes knocking at your door.
The truth is, the process and systems that got you to point "A" may need upgrades to you to point "B" ... the next level in your business.

What's NOT natural or healthy is that you stay stuck in chaos longer than necessary.
Chaos is simply a sign to improve your systems.
It's like a "check engine" light on your car that shouldn't be ignored for too long.

You know you've tolerated chaos too long when you feel the daily pains of losing time and money.
You've waited too long if the thrill of growth is being eaten away by fear and overwhelm.
If you're on the verge of being afraid to grow because you know your systems can't handle it, it's time.

There comes a point in time for every business when you have to slow down the speed up.
There comes a time where you have to take your vehicle to the shop and get a tune-up or oil change.

Be still for a moment.
Take a breath... a deep one.
Exhale even deeper.
Ask the part of yourself that is bold and wise...
"What does my business need for me to do?"
"What is the right thing to do?"

The answer may be to keep pressing forward without stopping.
If that's the right thing for you, then keep marching forward, soldier!
Or the answer may be to slow down and make the upgrades in your systems before you speed up.

We help businesses breakthrough chaos and gain order so you can operate in excellence.
Running with a check engine light on daily, not knowing when a bigger problem may arise is no way to live.

When you have an organization and efficiency in your business, it feels like a fresh cool breeze sweeping across your face.
Your business will feel lighter and more exciting.
Your capacity will increase and you will gain freedom back that you may not have known you even lost.
If you are willing to take the time and care for your business, it can care for you as well.

If you're ready to gain more freedom and joy in your business, let's talk. 
Click this link to schedule a time to talk.

Cheers to your success!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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