Building to Last w/God
Do you want to build something BIG?
Do you want to build something MARVELOUS?
Do you want to build something LONG-LASTING?
Something that may even benefit GENERATIONS to come?
Do you know where to start?
I don't.
Building something amazing in my own lifetime is hard enough as it is,
To even think about beyond my lifetime is a GUESS at best.
The TRUTH is I have no control over the market condition,
I have no idea about the future,
I think it's hard enough to find the right person for the next hire as it is,
Much less 50 to 100 years in the future.
But I know someone who does,
Someone who has control of it ALL,
And will use it for our benefit,
Presenting... God! Tadaaahh!
God is the most UNDER-utilized resource in this world right now, especially in BUSINESS.
We underestimate His DESIRE to work with us,
We underestimate the greatness of His PLANS versus ours,
Because if we REEEAAALLLYY believed,
We'd be doing it,
We'd be pursuing it,
We'd be HOT after it.
It's like we've all memorized the verses,
We all know the phrases,
It's become cliche...
"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him"
Do we really believe that?
Or do we think that is heaven only?
That's for us NOW,
In this world,
In our lifetime.
If we REALLLYY believed there was something that awesome for us,
And that God WANTS to do those things for us,
We should be all over that like white on rice!
Here's ONE thing we REALLY need to understand about building anything WITH God.
"What God builds, HE maintains."
(FYI: I totally learned that from someone else.)

What that means is...
If you want to build something that LASTS, do it with God.
A project or build that God assigned you to or placed you in,
He will fully support with HIS POWER,
He will lend HIS RESOURCES,
He will SEND the right people,
All you have to do is SEEK and OBEY Him.
What does TRUE seeking look like?
You're proactively ASKING Him questions,
You're GOING to God daily to running everything by Him,
Much like a million dollar coach.
You ONLY go when He say GO,
You WAIT when He says WAIT,
You WAIT when He doesn't say anything,
You WAIT when you think you should go but God hasn't made it clear,
You WAIT when you are itching to pull the trigger but God hasn't said yes,
You WAIT even when the opportunity looks good but God didn't move you yet,
You WAIT to make sure God is moving you and not yourself.
The TRUTH is that when you do things WITH God,
There's a lot more WAITING than you may expect.
So if you're not WAITING and just going,
That is dangerous because it can take you outside of God's will.
Bottom line is this...
Anything OUTSIDE of God moving you,
Is you moving you or,
The enemy tricking you into moving.
And if that happens,
YOU are building it on your own and NOT with God.
So we need to get REEEAAALLY clear on if we're actually building WITH God,
Or ASSUMING it's with God,
HOPING it's with God,
THINKING it's with God.
We must be certain that,
And NOT you going ahead and expecting God to follow You.
That we DON'T go ahead and ask for forgiveness rather than permission,
And NOT you assuming that God's going to bless it because it's FOR Him.
You should know that God says NO a lot.
God said NO to Paul when he wanted to preach the gospel to Asia.
Jesus said NO Peter defending Jesus when they tried to arrest Him.
God said NO to David building the temple himself.
God says NO to things that don't make sense a lot.
It's practically His specialty.
Here's the think...
God doesn't have to make sense.
He doesn't OWE us an explanation,
His ways are higher than our ways for a reason.
We MUST learn to SEEK, LISTEN and OBEY God when building our business or else it won't last without us paying a price we never intended.
However, here's the GOOD news...
When you build something WITH God, God will maintain it.
He will provide EVERYTHING you need.
"He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus"
God always finishes what He starts.
You can hold God responsible,
You can count on God keeping His promises,
Of taking care of any issue that may come up,
When you are doing something INSIDE His will.
When you need money,
God will send what you need when you need it,
When you need strategy,
God will guide your every step when you SEEK Him FIRST,
When you need rest,
God will give you rest and things won't fall apart,
When you need people,
God already picked someone out and is ready,
When you're IN God's will,
HE will take FULL responsibility to see everything through.
It is WAAAAY easier, better, peaceful, and amazing when you build something WITH God.
If you started something on your own WITHOUT God's permission,
Because you FELT like it,
Because you got EXCITED,
And did not SEEK God first,
You don't have the same coverage,
You don't have the same assurance,
Of being IN His will.
When you need money,
You have to scrap and figure it out,
When you need strategy,
You have to patch it together yourself,
When you need rest,
You don't rest because you can hardly keep up,
When you need people,
It's a gamble and scramble for who you're going to hire,
When you're NOT in God's will,
You've made this project your idol over God,
So what do you expect God to do?
I'm not saying God won't help,
I'm not saying God will forsake you,
I'm not saying God will punish you,
But one thing is for sure...
Anything OUTSIDE of God's will,
Is usually the HARD way,
With very HARD lessons,
With very HARD times,
Because we humans usually make dumb decisions,
We create our own issues,
And we cause ourselves unnecessary PAIN.
"Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain."
God is warning us that we will waste a TON of time if we do it on our own.
That without Him we are bound to fail.
So why set ourselves up for failure when God says He will take care of everything for us?
Why do we turn down God's concierge service and try to carry all the bags up to our room on our own?
Why do we try to walk a thousand miles when God says He will give us a ride?
Why do we hold onto our dirty clothes and habits when God says He will give us new ones?
So on this beautiful day, I LOVINGLY challenge you to see what are you doing WITH God vs WITHOUT God?
Are you giving to God your heart or your hustle?
Remember that God wants our HEART, not our hustle.
"You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise."
Ask God "What can I do for You today? Speak, Your servant is listening..."
Get a pen and paper and write down the answer you are sensing.
Wherever you are at.
Just start now.
He will meet you where you're at.
Do this daily for a WEEK.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help, I'm a mess.
I want to move WITH You,
I want to sit WITH You,
I want to build WITH You.
Help my heart realize how useless it is without You,
Help my mind believe that only You can sustain my dreams,
Help me thoughts start with SEEKING You FIRST,
So Your will be done, not mine,
In Jesus name, Amen."
Have fun sitting with God to realign with Him even more each day! Wohoooo!