You have the gift of entrepreneurship.
The gift of boldness to step out into the free market.
You have courage to stake your claim on the life that you want,
To pursue success and happiness without limits.

You're in real estate for a reason.
God wants to use you.
To change lives of homeowners, brokers/agents, inspectors and contractors and everyone else you touch.

Can you imagine being a massive vessel for the Holy Spirit?
Can you imagine every home purchase covered in prayer?
Can you imagine homeowners across the country giving glory to God at every single closing? 
Every escrow check, commission check and home keys are lifted up with praise and gratitude.

That would be cool, eh?

What would make that possible?
What could change the industry?
What can change hearts like that?

There's only one "man with the plan" (so to speak) that has the power.

As we close out this year and look towards the next year... 
What will you do differently?
What is possible?

Is more money really gonna cut it?
Is that it?
Don't you want more?

Sure, the typical broker or agent will plan to "double their business" or add another $X00,000 to bank account.

Then what?

Care to spice things up?
How about some divine intervention in your business?
How about the fullness of God's plans being unleased into your life in 2021?

As you step into Business Planning for 2021, do it with God.
Do it just like you would with your team or with a consultant.

10 Steps to Business Planning with God:
1) Timeblock a day for you to get away (24 hours or 8-5).
2) Book a hotel room or get out of town.
    Make it a quiet day with you and God.
    Mono y mono.

3) Start with a prayer to invite Him into your heart.
4) Sing songs of praise and worship.
5) Give thanks for all that He's done.
6) Pray. Talk to God.
    Ask God questions. Seek His wisdom.
7) Be quiet and listen.
8) Read some scripture.
9) Rinse & Repeat Steps 6-8
10) Close out with a prayer of gratitude and praise.
      Thank God for the things you don't yet see.
      Thank God for the battles He's already won.
      Thank God for being fiercly loyal and faithful to you.
      More than you will ever be.

BONUS: If you want to add fasting, that's even better. (Example: From the morning to 5pm or whenever)

Be clear on your objective for your Day with God.
Here's an example.
1) Draw closer to God
2) Seek God's wisdom
3) Business Plan 2021 with God
4) Spiritual Breakthrough in your Business & Life

With the holidays coming up, there's a lot of hustle and bustle to distract you.
But I ask you to pause and think about how important it is to fill your next year with God.
The world is so full of things NOT of God.
It's easy to get swept away.

Take a stance.
Dig your heels in.
Commit to busting the door wide open to welcome God into your Business Planning for 2021.

You are an entreprenuer.
A builder.
A grower.

"Unless the Lord builds a house,
the work of the builder is wasted."

Don't let the devil keep you so busy and distracted that you're too busy for God.
God's calling for you.
He's knocking on the door to your heart.
He's patiently waiting.

Answer the door.
Let Him in.
Book a God Date Day.
Have fun.

You won't regret it.

After all...
"[His] ways are higher than your ways, and [His] thoughts than your thoughts."

Here's a prayer to share... 

"Dear Heavenly Father,
I want you to plan for 2021 with me.
Lead the way.
Show me how.
Teach me how to listen.
Teach me how to submit.
Teach me how to follow you.
Let it be all of you and none of me.
I pray in Jesus name.

Imagine a God running your business in 2021.
Imagine God filling your business with order, peace, and prosperity.
Imagine God providing you with strategies, marketing, and organization.

Let God lead your business in a whole new way.
Let Him show off and show you how awesome He is.
Let your business bask in His glory.

Are you ready to let Him take the wheel?

If so, 2021 here we come!!!

Watch out!

P.P.S. Christmas Prayer:  God, Thank you for your birth.

Thank you for your gift of everlasting life made possible by your birth and death on the cross.
Thank you for stooping down here to earth to show us true unconditional, everlasting love.
Use me Lord.
Use me boldly, lovingly, and according to your plan, in my life, in my business, on earth as it is in heaven.
Unleash the fullness of Your plans into my life.
I pray these things in Jesus name, Amen.


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