But I Thought...

In a world where aggression is viewed as power,
In a world where striving is viewed as strength,
In a world where hustle is the key to success,
What is God's truth in comparison to all this...?

"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise"

I used to think the meek were weak,
I used to think the quiet were unmotivated,
I used to think the gentle were too soft.
And that's cuz I didn't know God's kingdom principles.

Little did I know,
That as long as I thought I was capable,

I was pushing God out.

Little did I know,
That what I think are my strengths,
May not be what God wants to use.

Apostle Paul was an elite law graduate from the top ivy league university of that time,
Specializing in Jewish law and culture,
With no interest in the Gentiles.
Where did God put him?
Specializing in Gentile evangelism.

Moses was groomed to be the prince of Egypt,
He thought he could use his power and position to save his people,
But where did God put him?
Watching sheep for 40 years.

What they they THOUGHT could be used by God was NOT used by Him.

"God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."

How about us?
I THOUGHT God could use my entrenprneurial skills,
I THOUGHT God could use my drive and hustle,
I THOUGHT God could use my networking and connections,
I THOUGHT God could use the "empire" I was building...

Ask Paul and Moses how that turned out for them.

We can make all these plans for how God can use us, but...

That's why we need to assume LESS and ask MORE.
We need to ask God for details.

Saying that we want to be in God's will,
But not taking the time to ASK and SEEK God doesn't line up.
And by NOT asking God,
That's where Satan can trick us (ask Abraham about Ishmael ^_-)

Here's a simple test...
1) Are you asking God for PERMISSION?
2) Are you asking God WHEN you should do things?
3) Are you asking God HOW you should do things?
4) Then are you sitting QUIET and LISTENING?

"Be still and know that I am God."

Or are you moving along hoping God will bless Your move or slam the door in your face?

Be careful because if we're not SUPER-intentional,
If we're not SEEKING God and WAITING,

We may create a bunch of Ishmaels without knowing it.

So here's some SPECIFIC questions you can ask God...

"Lord, do You want me to pursue this opportunity?"
"Lord, should I purchase this investment/product/marketing program?"
"Lord, do you want me to go to this event?"
"Lord, do you want me to take on this client/project?"
"Lord, do you want me to join this membership?"
"Lord, how should I respond to this situation?"

"Lord, how can I serve You today?"

Our lifestyle of run and gun,
Is a breeding ground for creating a bunch of Ishmaels.
We need God's help to re-program minds to SEEK Him first,
Because that's the ONLY way we will TRULY change.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Change my heart to be hearing,
Open my eyes to be seeing,

So I can NOT just be well INTENDED,
But actually be in Your perfect will.

Tickle my brain on the things I never got approval from You on,
Tickle my brain on the things I strayed on,
Tickle my brain on the things I need to ask for more details on,
Tickle away my Lord,
Tickle away.

Teach me Your heavenly ways,
Of faithful obedience,
Patient obedience,
Persistent obedience,
Loyal obedience.

Help me move beyond good INTENTIONS,
And into FULL alignment in Your will.
Teach me to KNOW Your voice,
So that I may say,
I AM in the Lord's will.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to assuming less and ASKING more to be in God's perfect will! Wohooo!!!
Gotta Start Somewhere
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