Butt Puckering... w/God

I have to confess...

I'm a bit of an adrenaline junky.
I love the anticipation of excitement.
I love the transformation of BUTT PUCKERING moments that lead to...
"OMG!! This is so aweeeesoooome!!!"

It's the same feeling as sitting in a roller coaster as it clicks and climbs up to the peak then dives into the downhill part of the ride.
I love the feeling where your stomach jumps up into your throat and then you get slammed to the right then the left all the while screaming with exhilaration.

This is a special breed of crazy ^_^

How about doing that with God?

Ohhh yeaaahh...

God is the biggest BUTT PUCKERING ride you will EVER experience.
He also comes with the biggest THRILLS,
Biggest REWARDS,
Brightest JOY,
Easiest FREEDOM,
and infinite possibilities.
The best part is, God gets better EVERY time!

Whereas the thrill of a roller coaster, skydiving, driving 150 miles per hour or jumping off a tall places can fade as you get "used to it"...
The challenges and thrills or God is ridiculously 1000 times better!

God is the ultimate double dog dare ^_^

Whereas the thrills of this world leave you feeling empty again,
God's call on your life changes lives, impact generations and gives people ETERNAL LIFE.

You think giving away $1 Million is great?
How about the gift of ETERNAL LIFE?
What's bigger impact than that?

How much effort are you putting into making money (even if you want to give a bunch away) versus...
How much effort are you putting in to seek God? To be used by Him to save souls and draw people clower to Christ?

Which takes bigger guts?
Which is more butt puckering?

Doesn't everything seem lack luster when compared to glory of ETERNAL LIFE?

Money is fine.
God is good.
Eternal life is what God has to offer.
What's in your wallet?

What are you sharing? ^_^

Have an amazing day!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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