Chatter of "Knowledge"...

I recently learned a new practice of ASKING for the Father's heart and perspective into each verse and it's producing some very juicy results and I love it!

So after reading a verse, I ask...

"Father, what was your heart around the situation?"
"Father, what did You FEEL when speaking these words?"
"Father, what were your THOUGHTS around this?"

After I ask for the understanding,
I re-read the verse a few more times slowly and PAUSE and WAIT to see how Holy Spirit tickles my brain around this and write down whatever comes to mind.

So let's practice on this verse...

"Turn away from godless CHATTER and the OPPOSING ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the FAITH."

"Father, what was your heart around the situation?"

"Father, what did You FEEL when speaking these words?"
"Father, what were your THOUGHTS around this?"


Here's what comes up for me...

A Father's heart breaking,
As He sees His children drifting away from Him,
Caught up by worldly knowledge and practices that say,
"Do, do, do.
More, more, more.
Now, now, now."
All in the name of success, security, and human knowledge.

Instead of His children seeking Him first,
They look to gurus, coaches and masterminds,
Instead of paying attention to Him first,
They pay thousands of dollars to fly all over the country and listen to each other,
All in the name of success, security, and human knowledge.

The ideas and practices that OPPOSE God and FAITH,
Bear fruit of spending LESS time with Him.
By chasing the goals and dreams of this world,

"There's never enough time" to spend with God.

The Father's heart breaks as He has given us EVERYTHING,
Including His only innocent Son to die brutal death for us,
Just for a CHANCE to have relationship with us again,
And we look consider it with such little value.

Oh how the Father's heart breaks!
Tears are shed as our eyes turn away from Him and focus on things that will cease to exist.

"Come back My child.", the Father pleads.
"Come to Me. Choose life. Choose Me.", His heart cries out.
But we are distracted by business deals, merriment and celebrations, errands, chores, shopping, TV shows, social media, sports, etc.

Little by little,
The longer we stray,
The further we PART from FAITH in our Father,
And place our FAITH in human knowledge and wisdom,
Which only leads to death and destruction.

The Father's heart aches,
As He sees us destroying our health,
Suffering from mental health,
Inability to sleep sweetly and deeply,
Relationships failing,
Families hanging on by a thread,
All results of our choice to follow "godless CHATTER and the OPPOSING ideas of what is falsely called knowledge".

If this resonates with you,
But you don't know where to start,
If you're eyeball deep in the busy-ness of business,
If your schedule is so packed it doesn't seem possible to spend alone time with God,
If you've tried again and again to spend quiet alone time with the Lord,
But failed again and again,
It's OK.
God's got this.

Here's the ONLY think I ask you to do...
Pray for help.
Admit that you can't make it happen,
Confess to Him that you cannot do it alone,
Tell Him you're a helpless fool,
Ask for forgiveness for trying to do things on your own.

Ask GOD to do ALL the work to be able to spend time with Him,

By praying for it daily,
Until it happens.

That's it.

Just SEEK God through a prayer of surrender.

Do it for 1 week and see what happens.
If you're not there yet,
Do it for another week,
Then another,
As long as it takes.
Just like the parable about the persistent widow,
Keep on asking, seeking and God will come through.

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."

Remember that Daniel (the spiritual giant) had to pray for 21 days straight to get an answer to his prayer.

Us asking God daily for one week is a drop in the bucket but,
It's a GREAT start.

"Dear Heavenly Father,
I want to spend quality alone time with You,
But my schedule is crazy,
It never seems possible,
I need Your help,
I cannot do it alone.

Forgive me for trying to do it my way,
Forgive me for not seeking You first,
Forgive me for NOT trusting in You.

I open up my schedule to You,
I open up my heart to You,
I open up my LIFE to You.

I surrender to Your will,
Do with me what You please,

Your will be done,
In my LIFE,
As it is in heaven.

Thank You for hearing my prayers,
Thank You for loving me for who I am,
Thank You for your specific, unique plan for me,
May I trust in You more each day,
May I fall in LOVE with You more each day.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to letting God handle your schedule and your life!
Get ready for the time of your life.
God's got you! ^_^
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