Christian Without A Purpose...

Ok my fellow bros & sistas...

What does "Christian" really mean?

Believer of Christ?
Follow of Christ?
Getting a tattoo of Christ?

What is it truly supposed to reflect?

One of the earliest names for Christians before they were called that was...
"Followers of the Way"
"Followers of Christ".

It's interesting, the difference between FOLLOW vs believe.

To FOLLOW requires action whereas believing you can do on your butt.
To FOLLOW means you have to move WITH something or someone.
To FOLLOW means you might run into something, have to jump over something or go around something.

It's so easy to do the couch surfing version of Jesus.
We do a lot of of believing from our butts, but not a lot of following with our feet.

I'm guilty as charged.
If God was a TV...
I turned off the TV and buried the remote for 20 years. O_o

So what is the consequence of that?

When we don't follow God's plan, His DESIGN, we become Christian without a purpose...

When we follow OUR plan, we are missing the mark.

It's like a big, strong trucking being used simply as a flower pot. -_-

And what happens to a machine that doesn't get used?
What happens to a machine that sits instead of operating by DESIGN?

It will deteriorate.
Not using it ROTS it from the inside out.
Not using a machine is WORSE than using it properly.

An unused boat, car, bus, any machinery gets rusty, fluids and gasses coagulate, rubbers dry rot, it's not pretty...
(Guys, remember at the show Gold Rush? Those old mining machines are rusty piles of crap after sitting for so long, right?)

Christians get the same way too.
When we get so used to parking our butts NOT moving the kingdom forward, NOT seeking first the kingdom of God...
Instead focusing on business, money, kids, and life...
We are like rust bucket Christians.
We are like a bag of stale chips.

And here's what happens when we get stale...

We itch.

We crave for something more.
It's like our soul knows we're meant for more and we get restless.
And we try to fill it with something else... bigger goals, more success, more money, more, more, more... but it never does the job.

These are the symptoms of a Christian without a purpose.
You can be a Christian by name, but indistinguishable from a non-believer.
Just blending in.
Doing life.
Without the fire of Jesus fueling you.

However, when you place Jesus at the center,
You realign with your purpose,
You claim your identity as a spiritual warrior,
You step into your role as a territory taker for Christ...

Life is hot and spicy.
As you're doing business, you're connecting hearts.
As you're listing a home, you're jumping into prayer.
As you're making an offer, you're blessing the offer.
As you're signing on the dotted line, you're declaring victory.

Nothing is the same anymore.
Nothing is without purpose.
Everything has meaning.
Everything is victorious.
Everything is with Jesus.

You are meant to live with fire, purpose and passion.

Make Jesus the center in your business and life.

"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

What can you do?

Start with this...

"Dear God,
Change me.
Make my business my ministry.
Turn it into a tool for change and a home base for Your Kingdom.
Light me on fire and may I never be luke warm ever again.
In Jesus name, Amen."

Then you can ask God 1 important question each day and write it down with a pen and paper.

Here's an example:
Q: God, what do you have to say about _____ situation?
(Breathe, listen, wait.)
A: (Write down anything you see, sense or feel.)
Q: God, can you tell me more? Can you make that clear?
(Breathe, listen, wait.)
A: (Write down anything you see, sense or feel.)

Do this daily for 1 week and see what surprises you find. ^_-

Cheers to lighting it up!

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