Communion + Your Business...?
As business owners and innovators, we always ask ourselves...
What's the next level up?
What's the next breakthrough?
How do we double, triple, quadruple our business?
What if we changed the question to...
How do we double, triple, quadruple our ALIGNMENT with God?
How can we be MORE in tuned with His heart?
How can MORE of our decisions be based on HIS perspective instead of ours?
To do this, it comes down to one core principle...
How do we get CLOSER to God?
How do we get to KNOW Him so well that we can sniff out the stank that isn't his work?
How can we recognize HIS spirit vs our human "good intentions"?
The closer we walk with Him, the more familiar we are with HIM and His tendencies and His voice.
It's that intimacy and familiarity that God is looking to have with you AND your business... errr... your MINISTRY ^_^.
(If you don't know... your business IS your ministry.)
There's a beautiful act of drawing close to Jesus in remembrance of Him and what He did for us is...
"For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. "

This is a time of reverence and remembrance.
To be grateful and in awe of what He did.
A friend said it best...
"It's hard to know that you're eating and drinking the body of Jesus and not be alert and present."
This is a physical act to represent a spiritual truth.
A heart that says...
Jesus, I won't forget.
Jesus, I remember.
Jesus, come into my heart... again and again.
Jesus, change my heart... again and again.
What if you did it as a company or team?
What would that mean?
Jesus, we remember.
Jesus, we won't forget.
Jesus, be at the core of every business decision and move.
Jesus, change our business to become more like You... again and again.
"This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me."
"This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood."
What would happen if you added Communion to your morning huddle?
A simple act reflecting an everlasting covenant.
I invite you to pray about it.
See what Holy Spirit is telling you.
There's no right or wrong.
It's between you and God.
Do you want me to add communion to the business?
Is that your will?
Would that delight you?
Make it clear to me and help me obey.
Grant me the heart of a warrior,
And the obedience of a servant.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Your business is your ministry whether you know it or not! ^_^
Happy Almost New Year!