Dare to Christmas with God?

Did you notice the Christmas music and push for shopping started BEFORE Thanksgiving this year?

Every year it gets moved 1 week earlier than the year before. 
The commercialized version of Christmas is SO loud, so overbearing and it totally pushes God out of the picture.

On this Chirstmas season.
I dare you to do Christmas with God in a whole new way.
This 2020 year has been a year of change and adjustment, so what about adding Christmas to the list, right? Lol.

It's actually quite simple. 
If we're here to celebrate Jesus' birth month, why not ask Him on how he wants you to celebrate it with him?

Just as you consider what your husband, wife or child wants on their birthday...
Do the same for Jesus. 

4 Simple Steps:
Step 1) Timeblock (approx. 30 min)
Step 2) Prime the pump. (15 min)
           - Sets your mind up to hear God more effectivley by
              sitting in worship music, gratitude prayer or scripture.
Step 3) Ask God what He wants for His birthday.
Step 4) Listen.
            - Yes, sit still. Quiet your mind. Focus on his heart's desires.

Do you think it's possible He may want to celebrate His birthday differently from what you had planned?
Do you think He wants the same gift every year out of habit or something from the heart?

So my dare to you is to pause.
To listen.
To ask.
To wait.

Truly desire to feel or hear the Holy Spirit.
It'll be great.
God is awesome.
He's got an answer just for you.
Dare to ask Jesus what he wants specially this year. 

Have the desire to give him something specific, not generic. 
He's a person.
He has feelings.
He wants to connect with you.

So are you up for the challenge?
Are you willing to spend some quality time with Jesus to get answers?

I double dare you.
Celebrate Jesus' birthday with a new twist. 
With his guidance and blessings. 

It'll be great.
No matter what, It'll be great. 


Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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