Desire Cycle...

Do you realize how much we are driven by DESIRE?

Our actions can be drilled down to a DESIRE.
Our words can be drilled down to a DESIRE.

"out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks"

DESIRE fills the heart abudantly.
DESIRES of the heart manifests into actions and words.

Here's my struggles with my DESIRES...

When my heart is full of Netflix, I binge watch Netflix.
When my heart is full of desire for food, I eat many things I shouldn't.
When my heart is full of money and business goals, I drive HARD at the expense of my health, relationships and emotions.

There is a cycle of Desire that drives us.

We need to pause and see if the DESIRE is of God.
Controlling our desires is NOT an easy thing.

Here's a truth...

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and SELF-CONTROL."


It can be a slippery little sucker, right?

Whenever we are out of control or lacking self-control,
It's NOT a spirit of God that is influencing us.

When we binge, over-indulge, over-work... it's not God.

Trust me...
I'm a compulsive type.
I would love justification for my compulsion.

But the truth is, compulsion is not the BEST version of me.
It's a warped version.
The enemy strives to take our strengths and turn it into our weakness.

My strength is...
When I'm in, I'm ALL IN.
I get things done.
I conquer.
I win.
I'm a trail blazer.

When that strength is abused and warped, it turns into...

10 hrs of Netflix in a day.
Eating like I'm a hungry hippo.
I go "all in" on the WRONG thing and too many things.

So if DESIRE drives everything.
Then to have GODLY desires would solve everything???

Lol, over-simplified?
Yes and yes.

Yes, the best things in life are simple.

It's easier said than done.

Do you know how hard it is to change one's heart?
It's a physical, mental and spiritual BATTLE all in one.

Bad habits or addictions are...

Bad muscle memory.
Bad neural pathways.
Bad spirits of self-indulgence, gluttony, pride, disobedience, rebellion.

You're not dealing with JUST one of these.

Changing the DESIRE of your heart is a BIG deal.

There's no earthly tool, program, book or coaching that can truly change your HEART all the way down to the root.
Only God can.

We can temporarily change our actions,
But the ROOT CAUSE of the DESIRE of our heart needs DEEP work.
It needs Holy Spirit therapy. ^_^

Only God can truly change DESIRES of our heart...

The struggle is real.
The desire is real.
Some desires are stronger than others, but we must not give up.

Just because we failed again does not mean it's over.
It means get up, brush yourself off, repent, ask God for help (again and again).

God is the MOST efficient and effective way to change the DESIRES of our heart.

If we're so good at doing it ourselves, we wouldn't be talking about this now.
If we could do it on our own, everyone's lives would be close to perfect.

The truth is, God is the ONLY one that can change our hearts permanently.
ONLY God can change our hearts down to the root.

Love for food, money, TV, social media, cars, sports, etc?
Are you willing to ask God to HELP you make Him #1?

"Spirit is strong but the flesh is weak."

My flesh is so weak, it's sad.
Admitting your weakness is the first step.
Seeking God's help is the next.

"Dear God,
My flesh is weak.
So weak.

Grant me strength.
Your strength.

Change the DESIRES of my heart.
Help me make You #1.
In Jesus name Amen."

Cheers to your victory!
God's got you.

Keep seeking Him.
Keep talking to Him.
During the day.
After a meeting.
Before a meeting.
All day, everyday.

Flow with Him throughout the day.
God makes great company. ^_^

What small way do you notice God is moving in your life today?
Thank Him.
Celebrate it fully!

Have a beautiful day.
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