Di-vine Connection

I was passing through Napa Valley and visited a winery even though I'm not a wine drinker. I just heard from my friends that it was beautiful to tour so I was curious. When I arrive at he concierge desk of one of the countless wineries in the area, I was fortunate to meet a super chatty and friendly front concierge person. As I started asking questions he sharing information and even gave an impromptu tour of the machinery to make the wine. Then we ended up outside on the field overlooking the 100+ acre vineyard.

As we started talking about the grapes and how small they were, he further explained that in order to get the best flavor from the grapes for wine, the wine makers purposefully stress the grapes out by UNDER-watering before harvest. That was interesting. I never knew that.

THEN, he shared an even more weird-cool piece of information.

In the process of under-watering and stressing out the grapes, if one section of the vineyard happens to be better watered for any reason, whether it be the weather or irrigation system, the vines from the watered area will SEND water over to the under-watered vines through their root system thousands of feet away!

That blew my mind.

I asked, "But the vines are planted separately, right?"
"Yes, but it's been a couple years now and that's enough time for the root systems to be connected by now."

To me that was the coolest, kinda freaky yet awesome thing.

It made me think of how we're supposed to be as brothers and sisters in Christ.

When one part of the body is hurting or going through hardship, another part of the body will come in and help.

That's what the early churches did with each other.

"For Macedonia and Achaia were pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the Lord’s people in Jerusalem."

"In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity."

"they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord’s people."

When one part of the body of Christ was going through hardship, different body parts from other countries stepped in to support each other. They considered it an honor to have the opportunity to give back and support. It was a joyful honor.

Are we that way today?
Are we EXCITED about getting opportunities to help and share Jesus?
Are we WILLING to see the opportunities God put right in front of us?

One thing's for sure. There's ALWAYS opportunities God put in front of us. We have so many micro-touches we can make to share Jesus - anything from a hug, a prayer, a note, a bible scripture to an encouraging word.

So who is Holy Spirit tickling your brain about today?

Who is tired and in need?
Who is suffering in front of your eyes?
Who is a neighbor that is lonely and dying on the vine?

Prayer is the key to inviting Holy Spirit to open our eyes to see and ears to hear what opportunities He set before us today.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Who needs watering today?
Who needs Your love shared with them today?
How can I serve You today?

Thank You for how You love to connect Your children,
Thank You for how You love to use us to share Your love,
Thank You for how much You move THROUGH us to help each other.

Show me Your heart around the people around me,
Show me who is hurting,
Show me who really needs You today.

May my hands me Your hands,
May my feet be Your feet,
May every thought, word, action be all of You and none of me.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to watering a fellow brother of sister in Christ that is stressed or dried out. ^_^

Simply ask "Holy Spirit, who do You want me to love on today?"

Have a blessed day.
Gotta Start Somewhere
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