Disciplined by God
Do you remember being disciplined...
When your parents would say "I'm doing this cuz I love you."...
And you're thinking...
"Could you love me a little less?"
It's hard to get disciplined.
Some disciplines are harder than others.
Some are a slap on the wrist and...
Some feel like a ton of bricks got dropped on your head. Ouch!

So here's a different question...
Is God disciplining you in anything right now?
Did something NOT go your way or even get taken away?
Health? Relationships? Money? Earthly Treasures?
Is God trying to teach you something?
The reason why God would discipline you is because he's training you.
He's training you to be something GREAT.
He's training you like Mr. Miyagi in "The Karate Kid" (the original).
"Wax on. Wax off."
When you're in the training and doing the "things", it doesn't make sense.
Perhaps down right aggravating.
It may even seem like a waste of time.
But in the midst of our fleshy desires, I urge you to pause and wait.
In the midst of this Go-Go-Go industry,
Pause to see if God is WANTING you to do that action, goal or strategy.
Is it YOUR will or HIS?
Many times we want answers NOW...
That we're willing to be DISOBEDIENT just to be in action.
We trade the fleshy satisfaction of being "action" with the price of spiritual DISOBEDIENCE.
The devil wins that game a lot with me. Doh!
And as I keep running in the wrong direction.
As I keep pursuing my fleshy goals of money, more businesses, more accoldades...
God is trying to get my attention.
And when He sees us going past a dangerous point...
It hits you.
Sometimes knocks you on your butt.
Many times has you crying back to Him, ready to listen.
I feel like God knocked me on my butt a lot this past year.
I needed spiritual butt cushions cuz I was falling so much.
I got angry.
Then remorseful.
Then shameful.
Then repentant.
Then back on my feet.
Then God encourages me,
"Keep going. I'm with you. Seek Me."
It is said...
"My child, do not despise the Lord's discipline,
Nor lose heart when you are rebuked by Him,
For whom the Lord loves He disciplines,
And He chastises every child whom He recives."
What does God want you to DO that you're NOT doing right now?
What does God want you to STOP that you ARE doing right now?
"Stopping" and waiting is the hardest for me.
To do nothing.
That's like torture.
Most of us in real estate feel like if we're not DOING something we're failing.
It's kind of a sickness.
Addicted to action.
We can't sit and wait for God's answer.
We don't stop long enough to hear.
We blow right past his signs and wonder where He's at.
So take a moment to pause today.
Is God trying to tell you something?
Did he knock you on your butt for a reason?
It's when we're hurt and broken that we seek God the most.
Sometimes we force His hand to do just that.
But God will do what is necessary to get you back on track.
It's smarter to catch it before hand.
So what is God's warning light in your life right now?
How many times have you blown by it?
Are you ready to take heed?
Or must you wait till you get knocked down to listen.
I hope you're smarter than me and take the softer warnings.
But if you do get disciplined...
Know that it's because He loves you.
It's because He wants to do more with you.
It's because you are a child of God.
What has God been asking you to do that you've been ignoring?
Be honest.
Have a great day!