Do Not Fret, It Leads...

How many times a day do you think you step into fear?

Did you know that RUSHING is a fear of not enough time?
Did you know that IMPATIENCE is also rooted in fear of not enough time?
Did you know that STRESS is also rooted in a fear?

So let's ask the question again...
How many times a day do you think you step into fear?
A lot?
Too much?

In scripture it says,
"do not fret—it leads only to evil".

These small verse packs a strong punch.

There's 2 keywords I'd like to focus on - FRET and EVIL.

Word #1) FRET
This word also translates to lose temper, upset, worry, anger, agitated.

Hmmm... I FRET a lot more than I care to admit. ;P

Word #2) EVIL
EVIL also translates to harm, trouble or wrong-doing.
Isn't that interesting?
I big word like EVIL in God's eyes boils down to,
"Does it harm my children?"
This reminds us that God has a heart of a loving father.

When God called things EVIL,
He wasn't just being strict,
He was protecting us.
The more HARMFUL something was,
The more fiercely God called it EVIL.

So What is God trying to tell us when He says,
"do not fret—it leads only to evil".

How does this apply to real-life?

When we lose our temper, worry or get impatient, it ONLY leads to harm.
There's NO good outcome by FRETTING.

In reality...
What happens when we lose our patience with a child?
What happens when we lose our cool with an employee or co-worker?
What happens when we lose our temper at an overseas customer support person you can hardly understand?

Does anything good or healthy come out of it?

Who is celebrating when we FRET - Jesus or Satan?
Who are we becoming more like when we FRET - Jesus or Satan?

So before we lose our cool today,
Before we say something out of impatience,
Before we damage a relationship,
Before we become LESS like Jesus and more like Satan,
Remember that FRET is not of God and it only leads to EVIL.

So let's FRET less and TRUST God more today.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me TRUST You,
Help me KNOW that You are good,
Help me REMEMBER that You have everything in Your hands!

For if You are for me who can be against me?
What weapon formed against me can prevail?
What door You have opened can be closed by man!

Your perfect love cast out all fear,
You lay me beside still waters,
You restore my soul.

I will hold onto Your promises with joy,
I will sing Your praises all my days,
I will treasure Your words in the deep caverns of my heart.

I will be a living testimony of Your goodness,
I will dwell in Your house forever.
Thank You, Father, Spirit and Jesus!

God's got you! ^_^
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