Lance Loken's Success Unplugged

Hyper Active ADD Kid to President to 1500 Closings in 1 year!
From delivering newspapers as a boy to working in various businesses, hear how Lance became CEO of one of the top teams in the country closing 1500 homes valued at $325 million in just one year!
Lance's roots...
Lance was born and grew up in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, a small city with a population of only 13,000. He may have been born and raised in a small city but his passion for helping and making people happy even at an early age meant that he was destined for bigger things.
Hear how Lance’s hyperactive and disruptive nature was guided with the help of others; and how he learned to channel his behavior to showcase his leadership skills and over time become an influential real estate icon.
From being an active, roll-up your sleeves class president in high school, to organizing events at college, to getting co-workers involved each year in Summer Olympics, Lance engaged others to have fun while also achieving his internal desire and goal of helping others.
In his 20s to 30s, Lance coached a girls' volleyball team where he trained young athletes on technique and precision. His kindness and helpfulness, along with his love for sports and coaching, surely deepened his appreciation for team work and in his current role, we can all see how that has played well into the numbers he and his team have produced.
Early signs of a servant's heart...
Eight-year old Lance worked as a newspaper delivery boy and would wake up every day at 5AM to deliver newspaper until 7AM before school. One day, he got to a house and found the man he was delivering the news to was already up before his newspaper came. This upset Lance and from that day forward he started waking up at 3AM and he'd be on his bicycle at 3:30AM. Why was this a big deal to him? Because he dislikes having anyone wait on him. Instead he prefers to be proactive and be there even before people need him. It’s just his nature.
Years into the future, Lance's servant heart grew even bigger as he's always looking to help people get what they want and enable them to do what they love doing. This mentality is one of the reasons he and his team are top producers in the business.
On his top traits, failures, and areas for improvement...
Determination, confidence, and a servant's heart are Lance's super powers. And like all of us, he has had his share of failures. However, his failures only made him realize that the more one makes mistakes, the more the lessons are learned. He's always believed in going big without worrying too much about the consequences. Consequences, if any, are part of the lesson and are dealt with as needed.
Lance's goal is to keep improving his team members' skills and become better at following up on assignments.
On hiring and growing talent...
For Lance, the focus has always been on knowing what people like doing, what they're good at, and putting them in a related role. This practice has given him freedom and less worry about having to follow up so much since his team is doing what they love doing. He believes that team players are much more productive when they're doing something they want to do versus something they have to do.
Another practice that helps Lance produce passionate and motivated agents is getting their buy-in. Unlike simply telling people what they have to do, getting one's buy-in means getting their commitment, ensuring that one is genuinely and positively dedicated to completing tasks.
Tune in as Lance talks about how his mind-set has turned into skill sets that made him a profoundly successful real estate leader. This is just the first part.
>> Listen to Part of 2 of the Lance Loken Story
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How You Can Help Lance!
Lance is on the lookout for talent! If you know someone ANYHWERE in the country that is looking for a phenomenal opportunity to work with a visionary team and to change the industry, email or