Fair Weather Friend...
Have you ever been around "fair weather fans"?
I'm one of them.
I don't like any sporting even enough to endure scalding heat or freezing weather.
If you have a nice air conditioned area with food, I will be glad to go.
How about "fair weather friends"?
Have you had friends that only reach out to you when they need something?
Or friends that aren't available when you're having a hard time?
Not cool, right?
How are we with Jesus?
Are we a good friend or faithful servant?
Or do we cut and run when it gets too GOOD?
You heard me.
I said too GOOD.
Anyone can cry out to Jesus in desparation,
But it take real commitment to be just as hungry for Him in good times.

I came across this verse this morning...
"But when Pharaoh saw that there was relief, he hardened his heart and would not listen..."
How similar are we to Pharoah?
I'm great at hanging on to Jesus when I'm desperate,
But when it get's comfortable and good,
It's sooooo easy to hang on a little bit less each day,
Until my grip is completely loose.
For example...
When the market is uncertain,
Business flow has stopped,
Finances are getting tight,
I'm crying out to God, "Heeellp! I'll do whatever You want. Your will be done."
Then when things get better,
Business flow returns,
Finances loosen up,
It's easy to start wanting to take control of the wheel again.
Instead of "God, what is Your will?",
It turns into "God, bless this plan of mine."
Instead of "God, what direction do you want to go?"
It turns into "God, this is my direction, please bless it."
Instead of FOLLOWING Jesus,
I'm asking Him to follow ME.
Oh, how the tables turn so quickly,
Oh, how we are a fair weather friend to Jesus.
There's a simple solution to that.
A simple DAILY habit that will help you keep in tune with God's will.
Step 1) Ask "God, how can I serve You today?"
Step 2) LISTEN and WAIT. Write down anything you sense or feel.
Step 3) Ask for DETAILS. "God, what do you mean? Can you tell me more?"
If we ask God EVERY day how we can serve Him, that will keep our eyes on Him each day.
That is enough to start turning the tide on what WE want to what GOD wants.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
How can I serve You today?
What is YOUR will today?
Speak, Your servant is listening.
Your will be done in my heart today.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to being an ALL weather friend to Jesus. ^_^