Faking Obedience
I was told to submit to my husband.
As a headstrong entrepreneurial person that was a hard pill to swallow.
My husband is my head of household, according to God.
To do something that creates unhappiness is not God's will.
I changed my sleeping patterns during my walk with God.
So many things were changing that was just one.
I didn't think much of it.
I thought it was the right thing to do.
I didn't think it mattered to my husband.
But it did.
He felt the shift.
He felt the changes.
He didn't understand why.
He let it go.
He was patient.
He was kind.
Then he reached a limit.
He didn't like that we were off rhythm with each other.
I justified ignoring him.
It's just a couple hours.
He's on the computer or sleeping anyways.
What's the big deal, I thought?
Well, it was a big deal because I didn't bother to ask or communicate.
I was completely selfish.
I was completely self-centered.
After all, if it's a God thing, it's gotta be right... right?
Well... not in the way I did it.
I was selfish.
I was not kind.
I was deaf to his words and self-centered in my ways.
That's totally not God.
So after that realization and repenting...
Along with wise counsel from sisters who have strong faith and long walk with the Lord...
I decided to submit.
I decided to go back to how things were before my change in sleep schedule.

It was hard because I had found comfort in my morning time with God.
I felt like that was what was making my walk with God successful.
I felt like that was necessary to continue to grow with God.
I felt like that was the "winning formula".
God is great about humbling me when you start to think you have things figure out.
Especially since I dont'.
I really, truly don't have much figured out at all.
I want to think I do.
But I don't.
I'm sure I make God face palm all the time and shake His head.
So I decide to switch back my sleep schedule and let my husband know I will submit to his wishes since he is head of household and the spiritual leader.
I actually said "I will do whatever you want."
Talk about a big bite of Humble Pie.
Then that night, I didn't go to sleep in bed at my earlier hour, but I brought my eye cover and my headphones and slept on the couch next to him at the same time.
Then I got up the next morning at the same time.
I didn't really change anything.
I talked myself into believing I did.
I justified that I made inconvenient changes closer to what he wanted and it was good enough.
So glad I have wise counsel cuz they told me...
"Uhh... Christine, you didn't actually change anything."
Then it dawned on me... I really didn't.
I was totally faking obedience and I didn't even know it.
I thought moving an inch meant the same as moving a mile.
I thought a little inconvenience for me meant total obedience to God.
Once my blinders were removed...
I was embarrassed for myself.
I was embarrassed that I let the enemy fool me into thinking I was obedient.
Spiritual blindness is real.
That's a good example of it.
The enemy will blind us to very obvious things and unless we're listening we continue to walk around blind.
And if you're as bad as me, you actually THINK you're doing the right thing.
"As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance."
So as you go about your day today in real estate.
As we "strive" to do God's work with our business...
Are we really being obedient to God?
Are we really doing it for Him?
How much are you asking God about all your decisions?
How much are you relying on Him for answers?
How much TIME are you spending with Him?
A relationship is directly related to TIME that you spend with someone.
How much QUALITY TIME do you spend with God?
I get that you can chat with Him throughout the day...
But how much QUALITY TIME is set aside daily for God?
Would you say 10 min a day for the love of your life is quality time?
Does a real relationship with God need to be everyday?
How about with your spouse of kids?
Is once a week quality time with your family good enough?
Is once a week quality time with God good enough?
There's no rule or manual to this.
But you know in your heart where you are at with God.
On a scale of 1-10 (1=low, 10=10), how much do you DESIRE and CRAVE God's presence in your life and business?
What actions reflect this.
Actions speak louder than words.
Your heart's desires drive your actions.
Where is your heart for God?
It's time to get real and level up.
God wants to be a BIG part of your life and business.
He can do more with you than you could ever do on your own.
Do you hear Him calling?
Do you feel Him knocking?
He's calling you to fulfill your mission and great purpose in life.
He wants to use you to move mountains and hearts all across the country.
When will you be ready to answer in obedience?
With God, you don't "Fake it till you make it."
You come clean.
You come humbly.
You come with love and an open heart.
Won't you open your heart today for God?
"Dear God,
Come into my life.
Make it whole and complete.
Help me live my life the way you planned.
No plan can compare to what you have for Me.
Transform my heart to TRUST in Your plan.
To trust in Your greatness.
To trust in Your infinite glory.
You are the creator of the universe.
You spoke it into existance.
Who am I?
What am I without you?
Open my eyes to You Lord.
Remove my blinders that tell me I can be great without You.
Remove the pride and arrogance that would compare my greatness to Yours.
Forgive me of my sinful ways.
Fall afresh on me, Lord.
Fall afresh and light me on fire for You.
Transform lives and move mountains with my mustard seed faith and abilities.
I declare victory in Jesus mighty name. Amen."
Hey brothers & sisters...
God wants to use you so dearly to move His kingdom forward?
If you're willing to let Him in a new way today...
Reply with "YES". I'll be praying for you.
Cheers to your success!