Falling in Love with the "No"s
Have you been in a season where you're REALLY not getting what you want?
Lately, I feel like God's favorite answer is "no". -_-
I caught myself convincing myself answers were a "yes" when the answer is was clearly "no".
My baaaaddd!
Then it dawned on me that I REAAALLYYY didn't like hearing "no".
In my mind I define...
"no" = bad
"yes" = good
So every time I got a "no", I experienced the emotion of
- Grrr... I don't get to do what I want.
- When will I be able to do what I want?
- I'm being kept from doing what I want.
Everything about a "no" was negative.
The TRUTH is, a "no" can also be thought of as...
- OMG, I am avoiding a total disaster.
- Wow, I'm so lucky to have these guardrails.
- Yes! I successfully avoided another painful experience!

In this season, I am learning to fall in love with God's "no"s.
God's "no"s are...
- loving
- protective
- wise
- caring
- efficient
- comforting
- practical
... and far beyond our comprehension.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
If we wait until our teeny human brains understand God's answer, it will be too late.
Our best choice is to be OBEDIENT and TRUST that God knows best.
1) Always ask God about everything. (SEEK)
- When we don't, we are wide open to being fooled.
2) Wait and listen for God's answer. (LISTEN)
- God is not a vending machine and doesn't have to give you everything you ask for now.
- Be patient and know his answers are worth the wait.
3) Do what the Big Man tells ya! (OBEY)
- It's like having the winning lotto number and not cashing it in.
- God gives us the right answers and we don't obey to get the prize!
- We not that smaahhhttt... ^_^
If you feel like you're getting a bunch of "no"s from God when you're asking for "yes"es...
I know how you feel.
Join the club.
Here's a new theme song...
"Embrace the "no"s for they are good,
Love the "no"s for they are ever wise,
Celebrate the "no"s for they save us pain and suffering,
Lift up the "no"s for each "no" is one step closer to a "yes" ^_^"
God is good, all the time.
All the time, God is good.
Have an amazing day!