Fear of Being Poor... Lust for Money

I did not grow up spoiled as a child.
I had to work for many things.

I discovered at a young age how good it felt to make your own money,
To get things that you wanted.
Clothes, CD's, shoes, cool stuff, etc.

But over the next decade, I went from self-sufficiency to an obession for MORE.
MORE money.
MORE things.
MORE business.

The tricky part was I was really excited and happy to work.
It was fun, adventurous and satisfying.
Growing a business, seeing the success, growth and money.
It was great! The entrepreneur's dream, right?

The next tricky part was comparison with others crept in.
Being #1, King of the Mountain.
Beating your chest on # of units, volumes, agents and your vision to conquer the world.
I got caught up in it real fast.

After years of doing that...
It took a turn for the worst.
I began to see myself as NOT successful IF I didn't double my business.
I began to see myself as NOT having enoughIF I didn't make more money.
I began to double and quadruple my ambitions for the sake of ego and pride.
God's purpose design was NOT in the picture.
I assumed what I wanted was God's purpose, right?
I was an arrogant turd for sure.

Looking back, I see 2 spirits at play.
The spirit of FEAR and the spirit of LUST.
The spirit of FEAR would tie my self worth into the success of my business. 
The spirit of LUST would have me chasing more money, more business, more, more more endlessly?
There's a reason why some people can't stop making money and doing business in an obsessive way. In a way that logically doesn't make sense.
God is not obsessive.
When something doesn't logically make sense, it's a good sign that it's usually a spiritual root cause.

"For our struggle is nt against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

The battle is REAL.

There's a spiritual battle around us 100% of the time.
It's like germs.
Nothing to be afraid of.
It's just there.

And just like germs, if you take the right precautions you're fine...
But if you're careless and in the right combination of events... it can destroy you.

So what can you do about this?

If you recognize this germ (aka spirit) in yourself go to the ultimate doctor for the cure... Dr. God.
God is the general of all generals in spiritual warfar.
He is the ultimate victor.

So even though the enemy (aka satan/devil/demons) is a toothless lion,
They still "prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour".
He will look to torment us, trick us and trap us in our own talents that God gave us.

So if you feel under the influence of something that is not your desire or Gods... it's the enemy, pure and simple.
It's not shameful.
It's normal.
It's good to recognize it cuz now you can address it.

First, address in prayer...
"Dear God,
I come to You in prayer.
I need your help.
Help me with the spirit of fear and lust for money.
Help me with the urges to keep going when I know I need to stop.
Help me with broken relationships, health and my heart's desires.
I invite you in to heal me.
I seek Your strength.
Be my sheild.
Teach me how to surrender to Your will.
In Jesus name I pray.

Then, if you want to amp it up...

"Dear God,
I come before You to seek Your strength.
In Jesus name, I bind the spirit of fear and lust of money and uproot them with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Destroy the enemy now, in Jesus name, .
In Jesus name, unleash the fullness of Your plans into my life.
Your will be done, in my life, on earth, as it is in heaven.
Let all of heavens angels rejoice as I declare victory in my life and in Jesus name.

Then continue to pray into it.
Spend more time with God as it will repel the enemy.
Read scripture as it is the SWORD of the spirit, a spiritual weapon.
The armor of God is in Ephesians 6: 10-18.
The love chapter is 1 Corinthians Chapter 13.

Start there and see where the Holy Spirit takes you.

I hope the Holy Spirit falls afresh on you!

Your business is your ministry... not your prison.
Break free. Give God the Glory and march forward to kick some butt!!!

Cheers to your success.
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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