Feeling vs. Success - Life Lessons and Lowes - Amazing Stories

Incredible story on a life lesson a father gives his son at Lowes. Whhaaattt??

(You don't see this much anymore...)

NOTE: Watch video first before reading on...

Here's what I saw in the video.

A 10 year old goes from obedient to determined...
... determined to frustrated
... frustrated to wanting to give up. 
... wanting giving up to mentorship
... metorship to sweat and tears. 
... sweat and tears to bruised. 
... bruised to victory. 
... victory to joy.
... joy to pride.

... pride to Father's love.
... Father's love to ice cream.

You can teach children life lessons from any simple act.
This adds up to priceless character building. 

We all have duty to give the gift of life lessons to the next generation.
What life lesson can you create for someone today?

What life lesson do you remember watching this?

Reply and let me know. I'd love to hear your story.
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