Fight the Good Fight (For Real Estate)

Do you feel like you were meant to fight a good fight and WIN?
Not just a tiny win...
A big... humongous... colosal victory?

Is there a FIRE in your belly that wants to win big for something, someone, somewhere? 

That your "Fighting Spirit". 
Everyone has one.
It looks and feels little different for everyone.
It's definitely there.

Why do you think it's there for?
To lay around and do nothing with it?
It's there becasue you are meant to fight the good fight.

You're meant to be a total victor and champion.
You're meant to tear it up like "Wreck it Ralph" (movie) just busting through all barriers and blockades.
You're meant to WIN!

If you don't have that feeling...
Have you ever wondered who you're fighting?
Has it ever felt like we're just fighting ourselves?
I've heard the phrase "we're our own worst enemy" but is that true? 

Many often forget this truth...

"Though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh."

The flesh refers to the physical things in our lives, the"stuff" we can touch.
The greatest challenges or battles are in our mind, our thoughts and emotions.

For example, most of us do not lack of physical "stuff".
In fact, most of us have too much "stuff" (aka junk).
For many, it's the mindset, attitude or emotions that hold us back.

Have you ever wondered, where do the minset and mental blocks really come from?
Some people blame it on themselves.
Some people never get curious.
Some forget.

Today is a reminder that...

"We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against ... spiritual forces of evil"

#truthbomb #spiritualwarfare

Ever heard the phrase... "the battle is in between your ears" or "it's a battle of the mind"?
The truth behind that is our battle is spiritual in nature.

You can't fight these battles with a metal sword or a physical weapon.
These battles are different and it's not against yourself.

Do you remember when in the old days they used to bleed people out when they had a fever?!
They thought their own blood was the problem.
Talk about making your problem worse!
When you target the wrong root cause, things get worse.

Exact same concept here.
You can blame yourself, attack yourself for the roadblocks and mental hangups...
or you can understand the WHOLE truth around it and make wiser choices.

Let's be clear on one thing.
This doesn't give you a free ride in life, lol.
Yes, you have responsibility in your choices.
Yes, you have to choose to take the right actions.

The difference is when you see the whole truth, you realize there's a different set of Rules of Engagement.
It's not to drain your blood when you have a fever.
It's not to blame yourself and point ONLY to yourself for your mindset or emotions.
It's realizing there's external forces at play.

Realize there is a spirit of fear, anger, depression, apathy, doubt, and for every emotion you can think of.
There are so many spirits at play you come to the realization that...

You need different strategies, tools and weapons.
When you realize who the real enemy is, you want to open a can of whoop***!
A desire in you grows to learn and be equipped to fight the good fight and WIN!

Yes! Let that lion inside you roar and the sound of victory echo across the lands!

So now let me introduce to you...

"the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds"

Yeah, baby!
That's what I'm talking about.
This is hardcore weapons of victory.
They're not little pea-shooters.
They are spiritual nuclear bombs of victory.
They're the real deal.

The best part...
You have access to them.
You've had access to them the whole time.
Which is why the devil wants to prevent you from accessing it or knowing about it.

Have you ever wondered why...
People get more angry at God than at the devil?
The devil has done a great job of hiding himself.
He's gone incognito.

It's basic strategy.
If you're an enemy in someone else's camp, the last thing you want to be is discovered.
So as the enemy creeps in our territory, the last thing he wants you to be aware of is his presence.
He wants you to be ignorant to his doings, to his influence and to his weaknesses.

Now to bring it back home...
Let's go through real examples and do the following...
1) Real-life Scenario
2) Truth: See it through spiritual eyes and identify the real enemy and what spirits are at play.
3) Win: Use the spiritual weapon of (feisty, spicy, spiritual warfare) prayer. Kick spiritual butt.
(Yes, not all prayers are made equal.)
#truthbomb #spiritualwarfareprayers

Before you step into the following scenarios, let's jump into prayer. Say this prayer to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you:

"Holy Spirit (or Jesus / Heavenly Father), I invite you into my heart. Reveal to me truth. Open my spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to feel your guiding hand. Amen."

Scenario 1: Homebuyer Drama
Situation: Homebuyer couple is indecisive. They are beyond reasonable and they keep creating more work and drama for everyone. Whether it's not taking professional advice or getting too much advice from everyone, it seems never ending. Something is driving them to drive you crazy and they keep searching and missing opportunities. This is insane, what is going on?

Truth: Something that is driving their indecisiveness. Normally you would blame it on the persons or situation. Now let's look at it with spiritual eyes. The spirits at play are most likely the spirit of fear, doubt, pride, chaos, disception, and distraction. Bonus: Many have been in situations where you have know-it-all family member/friend that can kill a good deal... you may be experiencing the spirit of control and manipulation.

NOTE: This is not an end-all be-all list, but I want you to get the general idea of what type of spirits are involved. You will need to use your own discernment in each real-life scenario.

Solution: Spiritual Warfare Weapon: Prayer
NOTE: This can be done under your breath in a whisper, silently, in your mind. Do what you feel led to do. There's not "right" or "wrong". The most important thing is that you are doing it.

Pray the following:
"In Jesus name, I bind the spirit of fear, doubt, pride, chaos, disception, and distraction (and manipulation, control). In Jesus name I place a hedge of protection over my buyers and I. In Jesus name I declare supernatural peace, harmony, joy and ease in finding and buying the home you chose for them. In Jesus name I unleash the fullness of your plan on our lives. Thank you Lord, thank you! Amen."



Now that you've seen the first example, I can explain additional details that will make more sense.

Remember that God's enemy, Satan is evil and he comes to "steal, kill and destroy".

I remember in my childhood about the "power in the name of Jesus", but it was like a cliche phrase. No one taught me the real meaning behind it.

As I got into spiritual warfare, I began to discover what it really meant. Both the power of the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus are the  ultimate weapons to use against the evil forces.

Here's how it works...
If you pray or declare any truth (or scripture) in the name of Jesus, it opens a can of whoop*** on them.
If you "bind" them in the name of Jesus, it disables them.

"whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven"

Who knew it was literal?
So the format of wording is...
"In the name of Jesus, I bind spirit of _______."

When I am experiencing fear, anger, frustration, etc. I quickly bind those spirits under my breath and I feel a release immediately. It lightens the load. It makes the situation more bearable. 

In the prayer above, I want to point out that I "bind" the bad guys (aka evil spirits) and also "loose" the good guys (aka Holy Spirit, the fullness of God's plans).

You will see the same pattern in the following scenarios.


Scenario 2: Work Stress
Situation: You wake up in the middle of the night in panick.
You forgot to call someone. 
That knot in your stomach quickly sets in.
Frustration, fear, guilt, shame.
It's an all too familiar feeling.

Truth: Yes, you may have forgotten to call someone, but it's literally not the end of the world. Sometimes our mind and body can react as if it is and any fear, guilt or shame you feel is not going to change anything. On the same token, you can feel joy and happiness and it wouldn't change that fact either. So why choose fear, guilt and shame? 

Doesn't make sense as to why we naturally choose fear, guilt, and shame, does it?

It does make sense when you see it with your spiritual eyes. The devil is taking advantage of that situation and sees it as an opportunity to attack you in this moment of weakness. He is taken advantage of your situation and pouring it on thick.

The solution? Super simple.

Solution: Pray the following:
"In Jesus name, I bind the spirits and break any agreement with fear, guilt, shame. I renounce the lie that everything is going to crap, that I'm a failure, that there's no way out. I accept the truth that You are greater than my mistake and that You will help me through this. In Jesus name I place a hedge of protection over my mind, body and spirit. In Jesus name I declare supernatural peace and surrender in your plans. In Jesus name I unleash the fullness of your plan in my life. Thank you Lord, thank you! Amen."



There's a couple new elements in this prayer.

1) Breaking agreement - when something happens and you feel fear, guilt, shame and you keep allowing it to perpetuate... in essence you are agreeing with it and allowing it to continue to happen. The quickest way to make it stop is to bind it and break agreement in Jesus name which cancels the permission to torment you.

2) The Lie - usually the evil spirits fill you with lies about the situations that propel you further into fear. You know that you've accepted these lies when you keep going down the spiral. So when you break agreement with it in Jesus name, it breaks that spiral.


Scenario 3: Difficult Agents
Situation: A) An agent is being overly difficult when trying to negotiate a contract or trying to show.

B) As a broker, you may experience an agent with a lot of potential but they make everything dramatic or difficult.

All you can think is "What's their problem?!?!?!"

Truth: In these scenarios you are dealing with a spirit of control, manipulation and pride.

Pray the following:
"In Jesus name, I bind the spirit of control, manipulation and pride. In Jesus name I declare supernatural peace, harmony, joy over the transaction/office and unleash the fullness of your plan on our lives and workplace. Thank you Lord, thank you! Amen."

ADDITIONAL NOTES: There's no "limit" to the types of spirit you can identify. Many had the same name as the emotions we feel. These examples are general examples to help prime the pump on your understanding. If this doesn't mesh with you then just chunk it in the trash. If it helps you, keep playing with it. There's no legal right or wrong. The Holy Spirit with guide you.

If you have any questions or testimonials on how it worked for you I would love to hear from you.

Reply and share your story!

We're all fighting the good fight.
This fight is in every aspect of your life - work, family, friends, church, masterminds, etc.
I hope this new perspective sheds truth and light to the spirtual battle that is going on whether we know it or not. 
The goal of this content is to empower you with knowledge and powerful tools (weapons) to claim victory and defeat (put a severe beating on) the enemy.

You are destined to WIN the good fight. 
You are powerful beyond measure.
You are a precious sould loved by God.

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