Fighting On Your Knees...

It's a beautiful thing to see Jesus as our friend,

To have a closeness to Him that is sweet,
And to confide in him with all our problems.

It's important to remember Him as the KING He is,
As the creator of the universe,
And have a deep reverence for Him that brings us to our KNEES.

Not out of fear but,
Out of respect and honor,
Out of humble submissions
Out of the sincerity of our HEART.

It's different when we do it on our own,
In the privacy of our quiet place,
Because we CHOOSE to honor Jesus.
This physical obedience in your spirit it FEELS right,
To sincerely humble our self before God in sweet, sweet surrender.

"God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble."

For we serve a God that lifts up and exalts the humble.
For the enemy fears the day you will fully realize the potential of fighting on your KNEES,
For when that day comes,
He knows he's lost his battle with you.

What does favor look like?

Jesus' ministry was only 3 years,
Look at what He accomplished,
He turned the spiritual world upside down,
Then turned the world inside out,
Jesus crushed the "Work Less, Get More Done" thing.

So how did He do it?
How can you make such huge impact in such little time?
How can we apply that type of efficiency to business?

Jesus fought on his KNEES a LOT...

"After He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone."

"After bidding them farewell, He left for the mountain to pray."

"It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God."

"In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there."

"But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray."

Jesus left us clues on how to get results.
The results Jesus got in 3 years,
Humans can't do in multiple lifetimes or a thousand years.

Where do you think Jesus got His strength?
Where did Jesus get the knowledge?
Where did He get the wisdom?
How was He so efficient?

He was ON... HIS... KNEES... in prayer.

If we only KNEW how efficient God is,
If we only KNEW how inefficient we were,
If we only KNEW the plans God has for us,
We would probably quit trying to be so "smart" and get on our KNEES sooner.

Getting on our KNEES means surrender and humility.
We are still too proud.
As long as we have a hint of "I got this.",
We're really saying "God, step out of the way, I don't need You here."
Did you realize you were saying that?!

So no more "I got this" to God,
Change it to "God only You can do this."

More time on your KNEES,
Less time on your phone.
More time on your KNEES,
Less time on Netflix,
More time on your KNEES,
Less time drinking away your stress.

I would propose that the physical posture of putting ourselves on our KNEES has more power than we can ever imagine.

That the physical posture of humbling ourselves opens us up to spiritual blessings and breakthrough we can't imagine.

A physical representation of our heart posture pleases the Lord,
And when He is pleased,
All things are possible.

That's when mountains move,
That's when rivers flow,
That's when the seas part,
When the Lord is pleased to do so.

So when we go about in business,
What is the posture of our heart?
"God, I got this, I'll let you know when I need You."?
Or are you submitted to God's will throughout the day?

"Lord, what do YOU think of this?"
"Lord, what would YOU have me do?"
"Lord, isn't this a pickle!... But YOU knew it was coming. I trust You."
"Lord, this one is pretty gnarly, but YOU got this!"

And when there is trouble in a place God told you to go,
That's where you can really bring a beat down on the enemy,
Because You can rely on God for backup and He will send chariots of fire and heaven's angel armies to protect you and "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it".

And you can do all that by fighting on your KNEES.
So simple yet so powerful.
That was Jesus' M.O.
Simple yet powerful.
His parables were simple yet powerful,
His prayers were simple yet powerful,
His sacrifice was simple yet powerful.

Fighting on your KNEES is simple yet powerful.

So when there is trouble,
When there is conflict,
When there is uncertainty,
Our first "go to" response shouldn't be frustration or fear,
But the desire to fight on our KNEES,
To get into alignment with God's will,
Then release angel armies to kick butt and wipe the floor with the Satan's minions.
Watch God use every hurt, pain, suffering and turn it into miraculous freedom and victory.

The thing that almost crushed you will lift you up,
The thing that broke your heart into a million pieces will bring breakthrough,
The thing that seemed hopeless will spring forth new life unexpectedly.
God's good like that.

So do like Jesus did,
And fight on your KNEES today.
Beginning of the day,
End of the day,
Middle of the day,
It's ALL good.

When you get on your KNEES,
It's easier to not care about the worries of the world,
The things of this world seem to fade away,
When you physically acknowledge almighty God with your whole body,
Your heart and mind seem to follow.
Try it out.
Even as an experiment.
I double dog dare you. ^_-

Cheers to more KNEE time with God! :)
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