We fight a spiritual battle in real estate everday.
Many spiritual battles are lost because we don't even know it's there.
Because we don't know, we don't even defend or fight back.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."

The good news is... in real estate, we're a strong, resilient, fighting people! Wohooo!!
We fight for our clients, our inspections, contracts, negotiations and closings all the time!
We help people navigate the windy road of real estate as agents and brokers daily.
Now it's time to fight and win the spiritrual battles in real estate.
I'm going to use 2 example scenarios to show you the pattern to victory!
It's simple.
IDENTIFY the enemy and FIGHT BACK.
About the Enemy:
The enemy uses LIES to get us into doubt or fear and tricks us into acting out of fear, anger or overwhelm. To start, we will put on our spiritual eyes to see. Every negative emotion is a spirit. For example, the spirit of anger, spirit of fear, chaos, disobedience, pride, greed rebellion, poverty, etc. There's many of them invovled in any situation. The evil spirits cause your negative emotions, which is the manefestation (physical representation) of the spiritual battle all around you.
About Our Offensive Attack:
Prayer is an OFFENSIVE ATTACK weapon in spiritual warfare. Using OFFENSIVE (vs defense) prayers empowers you to win spiritually everyday. Watch out enemy, you're about to experience a butt whooping! In Jesus name Amen! ^_^
Name of Jesus is Key:
The enemy has to submit to the name of Jesus. The phrase "there's power in the name of Jesus" is no longer a cliche. The truth is without His name, we're powerless in the spiritual battles. Jesus sacrifice and victory on the cross, gave us the ability to command these evil spirits into submission and defeat. Always use the name of Jesus. Never forget to use it.
SCENARIO 1: Client or Agent Gets MAD!
- SCENARIO: A client or agent gets mad because a deal is falling apart, negotiation gone bad, or the market in general.
- Identify the Spirits: What are the emotions I you're feeling? Now recognize them as spirits instead of emotions.
- Spirit of anger, fear, control are the obvious ones. There's usually a spirit of manipulation, pride, or greed.
- Remember, angry outbursts are usually an attempt to manipulate the situation with anger and force because a person is afraid of not getting what they want or afraid of losing what they want.
- Identify the Lies: "This suck. This is not fair. I'm losing. Don't get pushed around. Get loud, get strong. Get control over this situation or you will lose."
- Identify the Spirits: What are the emotions I you're feeling? Now recognize them as spirits instead of emotions.
- Explanation: If you feel a wave of anger, frustration or fear, the enemy is full-fledged attacking you.
- Prayer: "God, I bind the spirit of anger, fear, control, manipulation, pride and greed and silence and defeat them now in Jesus name. I let loose love, cooperation, harmony and peace into this situation in Jesus name. Thank you for your victory. Thank you for providing and protecting me always. I give you all the praise and glory. Amen."
Offensive Prayer Explained: There are 3 parts.
- Attack the "Bad" by "binding" the enemy in Jesus name.
- Unlease the "Good" by letting loose God's plan and resources using the name of Jesus.
"Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven" - Thank God for the victory. (This is like the assumptive close, lol)
We are told "In every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God"
SCENARIO 2: There's Not Enough Time!
- SENARIO: There's too much to do, not enough time. Keep working until it is done.
- Identify the Spirits: Spirit of compulsion, fear and control.
- Identify the Lies: "You have to finish ALL of this or you fail. You can't go to sleep until you do all this work."
- Truth: God is NOT compulsive. Got is not so incapable that He requires you to work 80 hours a week. God is strong, wise and generous. He will provide you with rest and a solution if you seek Him in all things. Are you seeking?
- Prayer: "In Jesus name, I bind the spirit of compulsion, fear and control. I silence and destroy them now in Jesus name. I let loose peace, self-control, obedience and surrender in Jesus name. I place a hedge of protection over my business, clients and finances. I let loose blessings and prosperity over my family, relationships and health. Thank you Jesus for your victory on the cross. I seal these prayers in the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen."
If you have any questions or scenarios, feel free to reply and we can brainstorm or bounce things around. Happy to help.
Otherwise, go kick some enemy butt and have a victorious day! ^_^ Tee hee.