Fill Your Cup First

The alarm goes off. You open your eyes...
What are the thoughts that come to your mind?

Scenario 1. Yes! Yes! another day to conquer! (joy)
Scenario 2. Oh crap, another day (fear)
Scenario 3. So much to do (fear masked as a drive)

I've experienced all 3 in different parts of my life.
My favorite is Scenario 1 ^_^.
Let's walk in the reality of Scenario 1 for a moment...

What if every morning as soon as you wake up, open your eyes, the first words, thoughts are "Yes, Lord, Yes".

The first word out of your mouth shapes your attitude and mindset of service and obedience. The heart of a servant and obedience that follows. What if your heart is shaped first by these thoughts and nothing else.

Science shows that your brain is in a "theta" brain wave state during the first 15 minutes of your morning.
Your brain is most impressionable during that time.
Whatever emotion or energy your brain is exposed to during that time will stick.
What you feed your brain first thing in the morning matters.
Whether you feed your brain peace and divine inspiration...
Or an email/text that creates stress or panic it...
It will mold your brain in the morning and influence the rest of your day.

We've all experienced...
A) A happy cheerful morning can jump start your day and sparkle all day.
B) A doomsday morning, it sticks a gray cloud on you all day.

So now what?
Now let's get strategic.
Let's shift the odds in your favor.
Let's give you an unfair advantage.

Step 1: Fill your cup every morning without fail.
This means to start your morning with something that fill your heart and soul. Something that energizes and inspires you or brings a sense of peace.

It's so easy to take care of everything else in life and business and neglect your own mental and physical health.

Many of us go-go-go until we literally break down and can't.
I've seen friends hospitalized because they never took care of themselves.
And we all know it's worse to be forced to rest vs planning to rest.

So from the bottom of my heart, I beg and urge you to make yourself a priority.
If not for your sake for the sake of your family, business and the practicality of it.

Can you make your health a non-negotiable?

What would it take to do that?

When you fill your cup first, everyone around you benefits including you.
When you fill your cup first you operate out of power, love, and a sound mind instead of panic, stress, and fear.

When you fill your cup every morning you are raising the bar of your life.
You deserve it.
You deserve the best life has to offer.
You deserve a splendid morning every morning.

The bar for real estate brokers and agents is set so low when it comes to self-care.
Most have accepted the life of "crazy".
They don't expect anything better or different because "this is the way it's always been".

I say this with love.
What kind of life is that?
The truth is constant chaos is bleeding your soul, dying slowly one day at a time.
It's subtle exhaustion that grows on your like mold.
Not in one day, week or month but over years.

Until one day you find yourself exhausted, tired, broken relationship, sacrifices you can't take back and regret.
You have the power to turn this tide.
You have the power to change your reality.

The first step is taking charge of your mornings.
Fill your cup so you can fill others.
Fill it with love so you can love others.
Fill it with abundance so you can give freely without lack.
Fill it with purpose so you can awaken in others around you.
When you fill your cup first every morning you will be able to change the world.

What step can you take to fill your cup every morning?

Let me know your thoughts. ❤️
Gotta Start Somewhere
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