Fishers of Men

"Follow me. I will make you fishers of men."

You are fishers of men and women in real estate.
What is God asked you, Who has taught you how to fish with the love of men or love of money.

Do you fish to save lives or to feed your needs over mind.
Do you not trust that I will provide for you?
Do you remember I know the count of hairs in your head?
Trust me.
Lean on me.
Love me, for this is my command to you so that I may show you, my love, to you fully.

What if all God wants is for you to spend some time with him?
What if he just wants to hear your voice calling out to him?
What if he just wants to share all of the wonderful plans he has for you?
Plans that your mind has never thought or eyes never seen?

What if he wants to remind you that his ways are higher than your ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts?
What if he has so much more planned for you that you have for yourself?

While you're busy fishing for business and clients.
God is fishing for your heart.
A moment of your time.
A precious minute or breath. 

So take a moment to pause, to pray, to connect with God the almight and see how much more fish you can catch following his direction and guidance.
Find out how much more efficient he is that us mere human. 
Trust him.
Try him.
Lean in him.

You may be pleasantly surprised.

Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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