Fix These Words of Mine...

I'm a "twinkie".
Yellow on the outside, white on the inside. ^_^
I cracked up when I first heard this expression.
It's true though.

If I were a t-shirt I would have a tag that said "Made in U.S.A."

For those of you not familiar with the term...
I'm Asian so that makes me yellow on the outside,
But I'm 100% born and raised in the U.S.A. and patriot to boot so I'm totally white on the inside. :)

About a year ago I moved to LA county,
And it was a culture shock,
Because I went from being the only Asian in the room,
To being surround by Asians everywhere,
I mean eevverryywheeeeerree.

And it turns out, even other Asians will tell me I'm not that Asian.
Yup, they were confirming the fact that I'm a twinkie, lol.

I tell you all this to say...

How many of us are strawberry filled donut Christians?
"though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow"
How many of us have a nice Christian snow white glaze on the outside,
But on the inside are filled with sin as scarlet strawberry filling?

How many of us say we believe in Jesus,
Even have the Bible app on our phone,
Or wear a cross on our neck,
But don't actually FOLLOW Jesus ALL the way?

God told us to...
"Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds"

What does that mean?
God goes on to say...
"tie them as symbols on your hands",
"bind them on your foreheads",
"Teach them to your children",
"talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up",
"Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many".

What does that look like in everyday life?

Do we spend ALONE time with Jesus daily?
Is God's word like our DAILY bread?
Do you offer yourself as a living sacrifice DAILY?
Do you discuss things WITH God in business?
Do you ASK God question and LISTEN for answers?
Do you see God's fingerprints on a DAILY basis in your life and praise Him for it?
Do you discuss and remind your children about what God has done that DAY?
Do you create an ENVIRONMENT that reminds you of God's promises?
Is God the PREDOMINANT thought and theme in your DAILY life?

I just want to lovingly remind you,
That being a Christian is a LIFESTYLE not a label.
It involves the RENEWING of your mind,
Not just knowing a few popular verses.

I want to remind you that we have 80 measly years here on earth,
And then all of ETERNITY with God in heaven.
Our years on EARTH is peanuts compared to ETERNITY.
This life on earth is NOTHING,
So don't get too caught up in NOTHING.

Don't trade dollars for pennies.

Did you know we have things we can ONLY do on EARTH that we can't do in heaven?

Only on EARTH can we SACRIFICE something valuable for Jesus,
Only on EARTH will we have something to LOSE in order for God to gain,
Only on EARTH can we have the chance to deny ourselves for God's will,
Only on EARTH will we be able to give God glory thr

Remember the ETERNAL perspective,
Remember we only have 80 measly years on Earth,
Don't trade in a slice of glory in heaven for money or fame,

Don't trade dollars for pennies.ough our pain.

If we get too caught up in our money making,
We will regret it in heaven,
If we get too busy and don't spend time with Jesus,
We will wish we had in heaven,
If we spend more time on social media than we do with Jesus,
We will wish we hadn't in heaven.
We will regret we traded dollars for pennies.

Let's fix the words of God on our mind and live with ETERNITY in mind.

Cheers to an ETERNAL perspective this week!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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