Follow Your Heart... or Not?

"Follow your heart" sounds so romantic and dreamy, doesn't it?

It sounds like you can't go wrong if you do that, right?

Have you ever thought about the nature of our heart?

The bible says that "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick".

What does that mean?

As humans, we are born with a sinful nature.
By nature we know how to look out for our self.
We know how to be selfish, manipulate to get our way.

Take a look at 2-3 year olds.
Have you seen an infant cry and be considerate of others?
Have you seen a kid not get the toy they wanted and manufacture a fake cry?
Have you seen a a child ask dad a question and get a "no", then run to mom to ask the same question?

Did any parent teach their kid how to be self-centered and selfish?

No, we are all born with a self-centered view of the world.
That is our default.

Look at our taste buds.
Do our taste buds only want fruits and vegetables?
Or does it like sweets, dairy, fat and fried foods?
Do we have to train anyone to get unhealthy and fat?

No, it happens too easily and naturally.

Our sin nature defaults to bad things.
So should we "follow our heart"?

Don't do it.

What can we follow?

How about a navigation system that won't fail?
How about a system that has a 100% success rate?

God is that perfect navigation system.
Scripture is the written manual.

God says He is the ONLY one we can put our trust in.
If we put our trust in people, they will fail and disappoint us.
But God NEVER will.
We need to make God the center of our decisions and ideas.


Start with a prayer...

Teach me how to make you my center for everything... like REALLY center.
Teach my heart to remember to ask you questions,
To ask for Your opinion,
To seek Your approval,
Before I take human action.
Re-wire my thinking habits.
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to upgrading to a new spritual navi-system! ^_^
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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