Followed Him at a Distance...

Do you remember when Jesus told the disciples "You will all fall away"?
Jesus knew that when he was arrested that all his disciples would ditch Him.
But Peter thought he knew better and claimed, 
"Even if all fall away, I will not."

So what happened?
Peter took off like a rabbit.
They all did.

"for it is written:'I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.'"

Then as Jesus is being dragged off, Peter slowly pokes his head back into the scene.

"Peter followed him at a DISTANCE..."

How many of us were so in LOVE with Jesus that we could never imagine ditching him or drifting away?
How many of us would have boldly claimed like Peter, "Even if all fall away, I will not."

So how are we doing now?
How close to Jesus are we now?

Have we stuck by Jesus' side,
Diligently seeking Him everyday,
Thirsting for His will and His ways in ALL that we do?

Or have we fallen away?
Gotten too busy?
Not enough time to spend alone with Him?

Has the enemy tricked us?
Have we drifted away without knowing it?
Are we like Peter and following Jesus at a DISTANCE without knowing?

It happens to the best of us.
Satan is HARD at work trying to deceive us.

"Satan comes disguised as an angel of light."

In the name of productivity, responsibility and success,
We don't have enough time for Jesus.
In the name of deals closing, clients calling or family issues,
We don't have enough time for Jesus.

Satan uses the most precious and convincing things to have us follow Jesus at a DISTANCE.
Satan whispers in our mind "You don't have enough time. It's too busy today. Maybe tomorrow." and keeps pushing Jesus further and further out without us noticing.
And before we know it,
We are following Jesus at a DISTANCE.

So if this sounds like you, it's OK.
We've all been there and done that.
However, the key is to make a CHOICE to change that.
Repentance means to CHANGE your direction, to CHANGE your mind.

So CHANGE your direction WITH God's help.
Don't try to do it alone.
Seek God for the strength because, "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."

"Dear Heavenly Father,
Give me the STRENGTH to return to You,
Give me the DESIRE to return to You,
Give me the COURAGE to return to You.

Change the very DESIRES of my heart,
That I would not be satisfied until I come back to You.

Give me WISDOM in how to make time for You,
Give me INSIGHT into what I can re-arrange,
Give me PEACE around these commitments,
That I may RETURN to your presence.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to going from distant to NEAR.
It's going to be GREAATT!!!~~~
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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