Following God Fully...
There can be a vast difference in results when you follow something FULLY or not.
Have you made salsa and forgot to put in the lime or salt?
Have you conditioned your hair but forgot to leave it in for a few minutes?
Have you ever made changes to a file on the computer and forgot to hit save?
Not doing something FULLY in our physical life can make a big difference,
But have we considered what it does to us spiritually?
Following God FULLY can be a slipper little sucker,
Satan wants to trick us,
To let us think our partial following is FULLY following.
But God is very clear about those who follow FOLLOW vs not.
When Caleb came back with 11 others from spying in Canaan,
He was only one of two that had something good to say,
And God took special notice about Caleb's heart said,
"he has a different spirit and has followed Me FULLY"
What does it mean to follow God FULLY?
Do we think we are following God FULLY right now?
And if we're not, do we pass it off as "I'll do it later?"
How seriously do we take God by not following Him FULLY?
It's easy to say we believe in God,
It's easy to pop into church once a week,
But to follow God FULLY,

To follow God FULLY means to "lean not on your own understanding; in ALL your ways submit to Him"
This means to ask God about EVERYTHING,
Not just the big things,
Not just the life changing things,
But even the small minutia.
Cuz God says so.
And when you do,
You'll realize,
You start forming a closer relationship with Him,
Things seems just different and lighter,
Because you're not trying to do so much alone anymore,
Now you're doing so much WITH God,
Which is what He wanted,
And the way He designed us to be.
So let's just start with a couple things on following God FULLY.
1) Spend alone time with God EVERY day and read scripture daily.
2) Ask God questions about EVERYTHING, especially the small stuff. Start by asking about one small issue per day that you normally wouldn't.
Do that for 1 week.
Take BABY steps to follow God more FULLY.
It's a journey,
Enjoy the process,
Ask God for strength and persistence to follow through.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Show me what it REALLY means to follow You FULLY,
Teach me how to do it,
Change my heart to WANT it,
I can't do it without You.
I've gotten so used to following you PARTIALLY,
That following FULLY seems like a lot,
It seems impractical at times,
But I know Your words and promises are TRUE,
Reprogram my brain to embrace Your commands,
And reject the practices of the world.
Help me stand apart from the world,
Help me be a light on top of a hill,
By following You FULLY,
And cause You to DELIGHT in me.
Lord, I need your help to do this... HELP!
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to following God FULLY and not just weekly or monthly! Wohoooo!!!