For the Joy Set Before Him...
Jesus is a BIG picture guy.
He thinks BIGGER than all of us.
It's funny,
As an entrepreneur,
I prided myself on thinking BIG,
All the conferences I went to promoted thinking BIG,
But the problem was,
We were all thinking SMALL under the illusion of thinking BIG.
That's like hearing a person who can't sing,
Who THINKS they can,
Singing at the top of their lungs.
That's like God watching us,
Building our little human business,
Things we call our own empire,
And singing off key like a yowling hyena.
If we REALLY want to think BIG,
We just need look at what Jesus did.
So what did Jesus do?
Jesus was the "original" BIG thinker.
He's actually the BIGGEST thinker of all time.
In business we like to be around the "big" thinker accomplished person.
We try to have lunch with them,
Be coached by them,
Be in their "inner circle",
And want to be LIKE them.
Why don't we do that with Jesus?
What would it look like to mimick the BIGGEST thinker of all time?

"For the joy set before him he endured the cross"
No matter what Jesus encountered,
He had His eye on the Father,
And maintained the ETERNAL perspective.
Jesus kept His eye on the BIG prize,
Not the little earthly prize.
What's our version of that?
Let's start with the basic.
How is your daily 1-on-1 alone time with GOD?
Is spending time with the ETERNAL creator of the universe a priority?
If it's not, what does that say about our perspective?
Is it focused on the ETERNAL or the temporary?
Remember there's a spiritual WAR going on.
Satan wants to confuse our priorities,
He dangles the carrot of "More money, more success",
And the carrot of "You're doing this for God. You can help more people with more money".
But don't get deceived.
"Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice"
Remember the JOY set before Jesus,
Jesus focused on the ETERNAL,
Not on double the audience,
Not on 10x-ing his ministry,
Not on more money in His pocket.
Think about it...
I don't think you'll get to heaven and say "My 10 year plan really made God happy. 10x-ing my business was worth it. Look at all the money I made for God."
Just be aware of the possibility....
That God may say "You made all that money but neglected to spend time with Me. How do you think I feel about that? Did I really need your money? Have you seen what I paved my streets with?"
Don't trade in your eternal JOY and rewards for the temporary,
To pursue our human plans of making money,
At the price of not spending DAILY alone time with God.
Here's the thing...
Satan is OK with you working to make money for God,
Because He can use that to distract You from God.
Satan is OK with you having good "intentions" to seek God,
Because get can make you too busy for God with work, life, kids.
Satan is OK with you watching or listening to Youtube or podcasts,
As long as you're not reading God's word spending alone time with Him.
Do you see the BIGGER picture beyond this physical world?
If you REALLY want to think BIG...
Jesus is inviting you to think BIG like He did,
And keep your eye on the the JOY set before you,
Of pleasing the only person that matters,
God, the creator of the universe,
The beginning and the end,
The alpha and omega,
To Him be the glory,
In EVERYTHING that we do,
Including the ALONE QUIET time with Him daily.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me think BIG like You,
Help me see how worthless my actions are if I don't spend time with You.
Help me make YOU a priority,
Help me see things through the lens of ETERNITY.
Open my spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear,
So I can follow You and not my own plans,
Change my heart to be usable by You,
Strengthen my character so I can represent You,
Increase my faith so I can stick by Your side no matter what,
Continue to do Your good works in me.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to keeping your eye on the JOY set before you with the ETERNAL perspective!