Forbidden... For Now
We can MEAN well...
In our hearts, we may have the best of intentions.
In our businesses we may be doing "good" work.
In our growth we may think we are doing God's work...
But what if we're wrong?
What if the plan is right, but the timing is wrong?
What if God plans for us close but no cigar to the way we're doing it.
There are 5 Symptoms that it's NOT God's plan:
1) Your stress is through the roof.
2) Your personal relationships are strained.
3) You feel exhausted all the time.
4) You are compromising your health.
5) You don't spend personal time with God.
When's the last time we stopped to ask God and LISTEN?
I mean REALLY listen.
In silence.
In prayer.
In scripture.
There are times where the obviously "good" thing may not be God's plan.
For example:
With apostle Paul (the guy who wrote 28% of the new testament, whoa)...
There was a time where he was FORBIDDEN to share Jesus (in Asia).
Would God do that?
Would He say NO to sharing Jesus?
Is that even possible?
Here's what happened to Paul...
"Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were FORBIDDEN of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia"
It's all about timing.
Asia wasn't primed and ready YET.
It would be.
But not yet.
So Paul had to wait.
Just because it's GOD thing or a GOOD thing does NOT mean it's God approved.
If sharing Jesus with a nation can be put on hold, then ANYTHING can be put on hold.
What you may be an OBVIOUS yes may be a "no" in God's plan.
Can you imagine how you would've felt if you were Paul?
Here you are... on FIRE for God.
Nothing can stop you.
Planting churches, growth everywhere.
People coming to know Christ left and right.
It's an awesome winning streak!
Looking for more, a desire to expand into the next market starts to grow.
Asia is beyond the horizon and it seems so perfect.
Full steam ahead!
There could be nothing wrong with that, right?
As you can see, even someone like Paul was subject to God's plan and timing and he was FORBIDDEN to go into Asia.
It's counter-intuitive...
God saying "no" to spreading the Jesus.
This seems weird or crazy no matter how you phrase it.
But it's true.
Paul was FORBIDDEN then, but he was released into Asia later.
And it was awesome.
His work shaped western civilization as we know it.
So remember this...
Things may look good on paper.
It may be so pure and well-intended,
But it could be a "no" in God's plan.
You CANNOT assume just because it's "well-intended" that everything is a yes by God.
You have to ask Him.
You have to consult with Him.
"[His] ways are higher than your ways, [His] thoughts are higher than your thoughts."
It's dangerous to assume.
It's foolish to assume.
Remember that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
Not trying to use fear tactics, just wanting to say that good intentions can go right or very wrong.
Good intentions can be just as damaging as bad ones.
What we do as a HUMANS may look and sound good on paper, but that doesn't mean God approved it.
Just like Paul was FORBIDDEN to preach in Asia for a time,
God may be trying to tell you to slow down, pause, listen and breathe.
Just like God released Paul to preach in Asia LATER when the timing was right,
God may want to prepare you and teach you new skills and level up your faith before sending you out into new territory.
God may want to do an upgrade or maintenance on your business, personal life, systems, heart, mind, spirit before taking you into new places.
He may be saying "FORBIDDEN for now...", but not forever. Just for now.

Are you willing to listen to see what God wants?
Are you willing to put down your pride and stop thinking you have it figured out?
Are you willing to let go of control and surrender to God's will?
Are you willing to have faith that HIS plans are 1000x better than your plans?
If you believe it, then the only logical conclusion would be to follow God.
It would be to seek God.
If you have a hard time letting go, but want to...
Just pray.
Pray that God will change your heart.
Pray that He will give you the strength to let go of control.
Pray that He will grow your faith to trust in His plan 100%.
"Dear God,
Change my heart.
Teach it surrender.
Teach it love.
Teach it faith.
I want to trust in You but I have a hard time letting go.
I want to have plans and know what to expect.
My heart is want to settle for the known rather than discover the unknown with You.
Change my heart.
That's what I need.
I open the doors and hand you over the keys.
In Jesus name, Amen."
It's simple, not easy.
In the end, Jesus ALWAYS WINS.
He's the bomb dot com.
The peace, love and joy you can experience EVERY day surpasses any amount of glory, fame, award, bank account, stage time or accolade.
Been there, done that.
At some point, God will get your attention.
He may have to let you burn yourself into the ground.
He did with me.
Hope that you can turn your eyes to Him before then.
But either way, God is good and ever so faithful.
He will always come to you when you call.
He is waiting for your invitation.
For you to desire Him.
To call upon His name.
To ask for miracles that align with His will.
To unleash the fullness of His plans into your life.
When it happens.
Get ready.
Hold on.
It's gonna be an awesome ride.
Cheers to your eternal success!