Foundations of a Beautiful Business

"A wise builder... should build with care.

Fire will test the quality of each person's work". 

You have a beautiful business. 
Your vision is amazing.
Your intentions are strong.
Thank you for being YOU.

I wish for you a beautiful foundation.
One that stands strong against the test of pressure, stress, and heavy load. 
I wish that if your volume were to increase by 10 fold your systems would come to the rescue. 

Where if one person calls out another could step in. 
One that is a loyal servant that takes unnecessary things off your plant and allows you to feels safe and cared for. 
One that allows you to sleep peacefully at night. 

I wish for a system when the goings gets tough, the tough the systems and process stand strong. 
When you forget, it remembers.
When you don't know, it knows. 

I wish you a system that reminds you of your dreams and goal.
For you to connect with the reason for why you work everyday and survive the tough times. 

I wish you a system that can be like your friend and support and not your enemy or foe. 
I wish you joy, happiness, freedom and peace.
These are the fruits of a beautiful foundation of a business. 

Cheers to your success!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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