Free Gift... Salvation
What is "Salvation" (aka getting saved)?
It's a FREE Gift.
You don't have to DO anything.
You don't have to BE anybody.
There is no checklist you have to finish before you get saved.
Prostitutes, thieves and murders have gotten saved.
Jesus doesn't care what you've done or who you are.
He will take you JUST as you are.

How do you get "saved"?
You receive Salvation by...
- ACCEPTING Jesus into your heart as lord and savior who died for us and rose from the dead to give us everlasting life.
That's IT!
It's a SIMPLE choice.
As soon as you accept Jesus into your heart... Congrats!
You're saved!
You can do it through a simple prayer....
"Dear Jesus,
I invite you into my heart, and accept you as lord and savior, who died for my sins, rose from the dead, to give me everlasting life. Please forgive me for my sins. Thank you for your forgiveness and sacrifice. In Jesus name, Amen."
You are saved.
It's called "Salvation by Faith".
That means you get saved by BELIEVING, not doing.
There is no other type or way to get "saved".
You can never DO your way into getting saved.
No amount of good deeds or checklists will do it.
The only way is to choose to BELIEVE and accept Jesus into your heart.
That's Salvation by Faith.
It's Mind boggling SIMPLE.
Do you know what else is mind boggling?
How many people don't understand this.
I spoke to a long time friend. He believes in Jesus but was not sure if he was saved.
The truth has gotten lost.
It's so fogged up and tangled up in so much noise.
As a result someone that believes in Jesus doesn't know he's saved.
That's how foggy the truth has gotten.
The most basic of concepts of salvation is LOST!
It's upto us to make it CLEAR.
Super simple clear.
Many people think salvation is complicated.
This causes them to avoid it.
We must share how SIMPLE salvation is.
Find out if someone is saved or has a true understanding of salvation.
It's easier than you think.
You're in real estate, so...
Talking to people is natural.
Asking questions is easy.
Step 1: Get to know someone, their story and background.
Step 2: Once you get to know someone, just ask...
"Just out of curiosity, what is your story or journey when it comes to spirituality or faith?"
- Then listen and engage. Be genuinely curious.
- Find out if they have been saved or truly understand what "getting saved" means. "Just out of curiosity, did your church have a baptism or prayer where you accepted Jesus into your heart?"
- If they say no, just ask "Do you feel like you really understand what salvation or getting saved really means?"
- If they say no, just ask "Would it be ok if I shared?"
- You can use the simple explanation above and make the offer. "Salvation is really simple and can be done with a simple prayer. Would it be ok if I shared?"
- Then just ask "Would you like to say it with me and accept Jesus into your heart?"
That's it!
If you're curious or willing to do this, you can literally SAVE lives for eternity.
This is more impactful than selling them the perfect house or helping someone's career.
You can do BOTH!
Why not?!
The world may have taught us that you can't mix them,
But I'm here to say YES you can.
God can.
He can make it smooth, easy, gentle and natural.
Remove the fears that the world has given us.
Ask God to show you opportunities to share Him and the courage to speak truth to those He put in front of you.
Remember the Holy Spirit is gentle, kind and patient so don't worry about anything else.
Just have a willing heart to follow the Holy Spirit's lead.
He will meet us where we're at and take care of the rest.
God needs more hands on deck.
He is waiting on US to be available.
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."
You'll discover there are so many beautiful souls that don't know the truth about salvation.
So many people don't know how simple it is.
People just don't ask.
The silence is deafening.
We MUST share the truth.
Here's what you can do...
Ask God to open doors and the courage to share when the time is right.
At first it's kinda intimidating... but once you get going, it's so easy!
It's truly life changing... Eternally.
Pass on this gift of sharing!
Be bold.
Be a light.
Be God's vessel.
I declare victory for you in Jesus name, Amen!
"Dear God,
Use me.
Let my hands be Your hands.
Let my feet by Your feet.
Let every word, thought, action, desire be all of You and none of me.
In Jesus name Amen."
This is like Recruiting for the Kingdom.
Recruiting is recruiting.
Be fishers of men with your recruiting skills!
Real estate can be used to move the kingdom forward!!
If you have any questions, reply and ask.
Cheers to your eternal success!