Fruits of your Life...

"Every good tree bears good fruit,
but a bad tree bears bad fruit".

As simple as it sounds...
When is the last time you looked at the fruits of your business?

I mean, reaaaalllyy looked...

Does it bear fruits of wealth?
How about health and freedom?

We all have fruit in our lives that feeds us, energize and flourish us...
And we all have ones that slowly rot from the inside out.

Some things in life "come to you in sheep clothing, but inwardly are ferocious wolves".

The good news is "By their fruit you will recognize them."

The action is simple...
Look at the fruits.
Good or bad.

Do your fruits strengthen relationships or sacrifice them?

If your business brings joy and happiness to you, your family and co-workers, the fruits are good.

If you see fruits of stress, overwhelm, sickness and damaged relationships, it's time to evaluate. 

"A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear a good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit, you will recognize them."

What is the tree in your life that needs cutting down?
Is it a nightmare client?
Is it an impossible goal?
Is it an unhealthy love of money?

Seeing the fruit is easy.
Choosing to be honest about it is not.

Let me tell you about bad tree I had to face.
It was the tree of accomplishment.
From the age of 16, I loved accomplishing.
Doing projects, hobbies and excelling at them. 

It was harmless at first.
But after 20 years, I saw my tree had bad fruit...
- Love of money
- Work-a-holic
- Shallow relationships
- Ego, pride and selfishness... just to name a few.

I cared too much for advancing MY goals. 
It was all about ME.
Even if it didn't seem that way on the outside.
On the inside, I was all about me.

The tree had grown deep roots in my heart. 
I had no interest in seeing the fruit, but eventually I did... out of pain and necessity.
Cutting this tree down and burning it is an ongoing process.
It's not overnight.
But in the end, it's a choice.

I choose to be aware of the fruits of my life.
I choose to surround myself with people that do the same.
With right mentors and fellowship I exercise of honest and humility to keep on the right path.

I live a better life.
I planted a new tree to bear life-giving fruit. 
Not only for myself for others I serve.

My small request is this...
Look at your fruit.

What does it say about your life?
Do you like it?
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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