Get Bold w/ Business + God in 2022

Did you know that all successes are NOT created equal?

Success in anything can feel so good, so "right"...

Making more.
Thinking bigger.
Growing, growing, growing.

It's loads of fun.
I loved it, too.

But at some point, I came to ask...
"Is this it?"
Something was missing.

What started out as an exciting, fiery journey,
Was now a battery draining, ticking time bomb to burnout.
There had to be a better way.

Through my own blood baths,
I learned the difference between the success we HUMANS create,
And success that GOD planned for us.
They are sooo different.

Let's compare...

Success we HUMANS create is...
1) Small thinking (even when we think it's big)
2) Comes at a price (we're stupid so we blindly sacrifice family, health, relationships)
3) Does not fulfill our purpose (leaving us unsatisfied, seeking the next "high" on life)

Success with GOD is...
1) Mind blowing (God comes up with stuff we never thought of)
2) Perfect balance (God will never sacrifice your relationships or your physically, emotional or mental health to make you successful)
3) Overflowing abundance (God never stops small, he keeps going)

If you truly understood how much BETTER God's plan is,
You would gladly declare...

"Whatever I do without God, I MUST fail."

Because you KNOW that God's plan is a million times better,
Because you KNOW our plans leaves something suffering,
Because you KNOW you're tired of the same old chase that brings partial fulfillment.

You no longer want the cheap knock-off version of the BEST plan, God's plan.

In 2022,
Don't settle for less.
Say no to everything else that is NOT God.

Get the REAL deal.

Choose Commitment,


You ONLY want God's plan.
Everything else is LAME, so get ready to say NO to all cheap immitations.

Remember that "Satan comes disguised as an agent of light."
The sneaky devil turd will try to trick you into a lame version of success. He will try to distract you with money and "opportunities" not from God.
The WISE thing to do is FIGHT back by choosing to God's plan.
Yeah baby! God's got you!

You've got to fall in LOVE with God's plan for you.
Even if you have no idea what it is...
LOVE how big it is.
LOVE how unimaginable it is.
LOVE that God is so good and awesome!
God knows better than you.
Better than any coach or mastermind.

Today I want to challenge any part of you that wants to "play it safe" with God.
The part that only wants God as a "back-up" plan and not THE PLAN.

God is knocking on your heart.
Tickling your brain.
He's been pursuing you for a long time.

You're meant to be unstoppable.
You're meant to live with passion and fire in your soul.
You're meant to do something BIG!
God made you that way.

Here's your assignment...


ONLY let God show you the way.
Keep your eyes on Him.

It's time for Crazy Faith, Crazy Commitment to say...

"Whatever I do without God, I MUST fail."

Pray for the necessities...

Give me the DESIRE to desire You.
Give me the COURAGE to choose You.
Give me the STRENGTH to step into the fullness of your plans.
Use me to change the world.

2022 is going to be AWESOME!!

Who's in?
Reply "YES!".
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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