Getting Lost in Obedience...

Are you in a season of waiting?
Are you trying to make some big decisions?
Are you seeking answers for things unclear?
Are you in limbo?

Oh man, I know that feeling.
Welcome to the club!
As I am in this season of waiting, seeking and refining,
I keep being reminded of how others before have waited this season out.

In obedience,
In excellence,
In surrender.

God can be so NON-intuitive it can be frustrating,
Cuz He's SOOO smart we just don't "get" Him always.
And that's ok.

Note that God will complete what is good for us,
He will not give in to our temper tantrums and shorten the season.
On the contrary,
Our tantrums show Him that we are NOT ready and it can lengthen the wait. O_o

As long as we are kicking and screaming,
Striving for the next season,
We truly haven't surrendered yet,
And God will wait us out until we let go of the wheel.
(NOTE: God's patience far exceed ours so we won't win that game. ^_^)

Remember, these seasons are used to refine, groom and grow us internally,
To draw us near and teach us NEXT level of seeking and hearing His voice.
God will not shortcut the season because we're being a brat.

God will do ALL the work He knows is best for you,
And only when you've totally surrendered,
Does it show Him we are receiving the lesson,
And He moves us into the next season.

How do we know if we're in surrender?
By getting LOST in obedience.

Ask yourself,

Am I SOOO focused on doing the thing God put in front of me,
That I'm no longer trying to think ten steps ahead?
Have I really let go of control,
And let Jesus take the wheel?

Am I present in the moment enough?
Am I not consumed about the future that I don't have yet?
Am I dedicated to the current assignment,
No matter how small it may seem,
Am I no longer concerned with what I want but what God wants?

If you are,
Then you are getting LOST in obedience,
And that is holy and pleasing to God.
Trying to control the outcome of tomorrow,
Only creates stress and anxiety,
And God told us...

"Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

Surrender YOUR version of your future,
Because it's trash compared to what GOD has planned for you.
Release the desires of your heart,
And give them completely to God,
Let Him refine it, cleanse it and purify it,
Through prayer, fasting and worship may God restore your dreams and hopes in a whole new way.

You are ENOUGH in Jesus,
You are PRECIOUS in the eyes of our Lord,
You are RIGHTEOUS as the price has already been paid,
For us to sit at the table with the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Just let it all go,
There's much bigger and better waiting for you,
And the only thing you need to do is,
Get LOST in obedience.

Get so LOST that the worries of this world fade away,
Get so LOST that the values of this world seem meaningless,
Get so LOST that the only thing you see is God's heart for you,

His desire for you to seek Him,
His desire for you to trust Him,
His desire for you to rest,

Foolishly (by worldly standards),
With child-like faith.

That's when He will come for You.

That's when He came for Moses,
One unexpected day while tending the sheep like he has for decades,
That's when He came for David,
One unexpected day when his brother and father left Him out again,
That's when He came for Esther,
One unexpected day as she was being obedient towards her uncle as always.

That's when He will come for You.

If you want to be ready for God's next move in your life,
It's time to get LOST!

Get LOST in seeking God's presence,
Get LOST in worship and praise,
Get LOST in gratitude for His provisions,
Get LOST in awe over the protection He has provided you,
Get LOST in seeing His fingerprints over all parts of your life,
Get LOST in obedience.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

I want to get LOST with You.
Help me let go of my desires,
Help me surrender my needs,
Help me get LOST in obedience to You.

I can't do this without You.
I am a mess,
I am tired,
I am weary from the ways of the world,
There's got to be a better way.

I call upon your promises,
That You will give me rest,
That You will lay me in green pastures,
That You will give me water to never thirst again.

If I must get LOST first for you to find me again,
Help me do that from the bottom of my heart,
Help me learn the true sweetness of total surrender,
Help me learn the lightness of your ways,
Help me get LOST in You.

May I LOSE everything in order to gain EVERYTHING.
May this be pleasing in Your eyes,
May this be music to Your ears,
May this be warmth to Your heart,
In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

Cheers to the most victorious LOSS evaaa!!!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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