Getting Perfect Timing...

Had you ever experienced perfect timing?

I had a surgical procedure I needed to schedule.
I found the right doctor.
I was ready to sign the papers,
But when I prayed and asked God, He said no.

It made no sense.
This was affecting my health.
It had to be done.
Why would He tell me no?

I had to remind myself that God's ways are higher than my ways.
I had to fight every bone in my body not to schedule the surgery.

So I wait.
And waited,
And waited...
I don't even know how many weeks later,
After I practically gave up asking about it,
The one fateful day, during my morning God time, I felt a "Yes, proceed. November 1".

That was the same day of the surgery that was shooting for weeks ago.
There was no way.
This surgeon was booked out till the next year by now.
There was people calling their office daily for cancellations.
"There's no way", I told myself.

Then I picked up the phone.
Called the office and low and behold, the earliest availability was...
November 1.

I don't know how it happened or why.
I don't know the reason behind everything.
But I know God's timing is perfect.

Timing is everything.

You can have the right "thing",
For the right "person",
But with the wrong timing,
It will fall flat on it's face.

This applies to business, marketing, relationship, conversations...

The right marketing,
The right hire,
The right decisions,
... at the right TIME.

So how do you get perfect timing?

Who has control over that?

Well, there's one person... G-O-D.

Have you ever asked God for perfect timing?
Why not ask God to put you in the right place at the right time?
You know He can do that right?

It's a thing...
You can be super intentional about that pray and it WILL happen.
There's people that pray that diligently and they find themselves meeting the perfect person at the perfect time all the time!
Whether it's an old friend that needs help,
Or someone who has something they needed.

When it keeps happening day after day, week after week...
You know it's no longer a "coincidence".

How about giving God some credit here?

He is in control.
He is the great one.
He is looking out for our best interest.

The practical things in life and business are not out of God's reach.
We're supposed to treat God as the ultimate business consultant.
We're supposed to ask God about marketing strategies.
We're supposed to ask God about hiring the right person at the right time.

Think about how awesome it would be to have God's perfect timing all the time.

When that happens...

Your faith grows.
You see miracles in your life all the time.
You can't explain it but you just feel protected.

That's God.
He's cool like that.
Try it out, won't you?

I ask for your perfect timing.
That you would place me in the perfect place at the perfect time.
Your will be done.
Draw me closer to You.
Show me who's boss.
With love, I pray in Jesus name. Amen."

Hope you have a day filled with divine timing.

Cheers to your success!
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