Getting Upside Down w/God...
God is kind of an "UPSIDE DOWN" type of guy.
He doesn't operate on human logic.
He doesn't operate on human time tables.
It's not natural.
With God, it's always supernatural.
At first this can feel awkward... cuz it is.
It's different.
It's new.
The benefit is that God wants to rock your world.
He wants to break you out of patterns and habits that are so... human,
And lift you up into a lifestyle that is so SUPERNATURAL!

However, this requires a total mental shift in the way you make decisions.
Us humans are used to making decisions by considering the facts and making a logical, "wise" decision, right?.
Well, the problem is, it's all based on world's definition of "wise".
If you truly believe that God is a god of miracles and supernatural works, then we've got to open up every decision to that possibility.
What does that TAKE?
Making God #1.
Like REALLY #1.
What does that MEAN?
Treat God as your Chairman of the Board.
You may be the CEO of the company, but you answer to the Board.
God is the head of that Board.
Just like in business a CEO reports to the board, gets input and advice from the board and can get hired or fired by the board... think of God with the same authority and power.
Bottom line, give God the time and respect He deserves to help you run your business.
Here are 3 things that you should do if God is your Chairman of the Board.
1) Consult with God DAILY about your business. Ask specific questions.
2) Get approval from God before making decisions.
3) Be prepared to accept uncomfortable and unusual instructions.
Here's an example of how "God-weird" it can get.
(God-weird is a cool type of weird.)
In the book "Sacred Pace", Terry Looper, a wealthy oil tycoon in Texas lives many years in the throws of rise and GRIND.
That was the name of the game.
He did so until his body broke down along with his family relationships.
In short, he burned out.
But as he rediscovered God in this season, God led him to rebuild his life and business.
God led Terry in the most unusual way of doing business that made no HUMAN sense whatsoever.
In fact, it was easily be labeled as absolutely foolish and stupid.
Here's what happened...
Terry started a NEW business,
Working 40 hours max a week, (unheard of)
No nights or weekends, (unheard of)
No business plans with goals. (unheard of)
What is that? Stupid?
By human standards, yes.
By God's standards, no.
"God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."
The key thing was Terry discovered what it is to succeed going at God's SACRED PACE.
God showed him that he didn't have to work a million hours a week even when starting a new company in a very competitive oil industry to be successful.
Over the next few years, God would be a part of Terry's daily business decisions that led him down the path of maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
Terry literally treated God as the main lead advisor for his company and there were countless times that God's guidance saved the company money and propelled them into success beyond logic.
Is this possible?
Is this probable?
What do you think?
How big is your God?
Is He big enough to make you succeed without sacrificing your family and health?
Terry realized that God would never not sacrifice your health or relationships to build a business empire.
God prioritizes family, relationships and health and will not drive it into the ground in the name of success, charitable giving, or mission work.
There's no such thing as a "God plan" that requires you to neglect your spouse and family relationships in the name of something greater.
God is bigger than that.
And God is all about relationships FIRST.
Here's the cool part...
When you let God transform YOU,
Then he'll use you to transform the people closest to you,
Then businesses, communities, cities, counties and then governments.
There is NO LIMIT to God's transformation, BUT...
There is ORDER.
God will not make a hypocrite out of you.
He will not promote you if your foundations are broken.
Your family, health, relationships are your foundations.
Relationship is the KEY.
Relationships with you and God.
Relationships with you and your family.
Relationships with you and your friends.
Relationships with you and your co-workers.
Then it continues to grow...
Relationships with your community, teachers, churches, businesses, groups, clubs, school boards, districts, cities, states, countries, nations.
Until we make a disciple of all nations.
"The harvest is plenty but the workers are few."
There is not lack of promotion in God's kingdom.
In fact, there are not enough hands on deck so as soon as you are ready, God WANTS to promote you, HOWEVER...
He will not do so until your HEART is ready.
God's criteria for "ready and qualified" is very different from our own.
His first criteria is the POSTURE of your HEART.
Are you wiling to seek, listen and obey?
Without that, we are an unreliable, high-risk liability that will do more damage than good.
Without the right heart and obedience, we are a net LOSS for God.
Partial obedience is DIS-obedience
What happens when a soldier marches forward out of order?
What happens when a police officer fires when told to hold?
What happens when a fighter pilot takes off when he is to stay in formation?
All bad news.
Injuries. Casualties. Death.
We must be obedient soldiers in God's army.
We must learn how to seek, listen and obey.
Are you willing to do that with your BUSINESS?
Are you willing to do it GOD'S way?
Are you willing to seek God for details in planning your 2023?
If you are...
Get ready for a ride!
Hold onto your seats, because it's not going to be what you expect.
Ready to do the foolish things that are wise to God?
Ready to submit your ego and desires in obedience to God?
The only thing God wants is your heart.
Are you ready to give it?
Are you ready to do some things upside down if God tells you to?
It'll be fun!
It'll be great!
Let's do it together!
Wohoooo!!! ^_^
Cheers to an amazing UPSIDE DOWN 2023!