Give Us Today Our Daily Bread

More leads.
More appointments. 
More clients.
More agents.
More More More!
That's our default motto.
More the merrier. 

Is it?

We have more food supply in the US than ever before. 
We have more money than ever before...
And we have more obesity, depression, cancer, and suicides than ever before. 

Is more better?

More "feels" better short-term... but what about long term?
Many agents and brokers feel like we are feeding ourselves with the "more" mentality, but what it that's not enough?
What if what we're feeding ourself is self-destructive?

What if the real answer lies not in ourselves but with God?

What would it look like to get our daily bread from God?
What if his portions, his pace, his timing is better than ours?
What type of daily bread would God give us?


Does this mean stop working and get bread from God like a homeless person?
Does this mean I have to be poor?
Does this mean I can't have any goals or plans?
No, silly. :)

But in the grand scale of things, we've become so over consuming, stock-piling, hoarding of money and success, food, entertainment and pleasures there's no doubt most of us need a correction in more than one area of life.

That's where God comes in.
Ask him.
Ask for guidance.
Ask for a change in heart.
Ask for desires to desire these changes. 
Ask by praying. 

Prayer is the first step in any change. 
It's a communication between you and the "Big Guy", aka God.

The more you talk with him, the more your relationship grows. 
The stronger the relationship, the more Godly influence is in Your life. 

So start today with a simple prayer. 

God, change my heart.
Change my heart to want you more.
Change my heart to delight in you more.
Change my heart so Your desires are my desires.
Change my heart so I enjoy asking you to "Give us today our daily bread".


Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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