Giving Birth to Something New...

In Jesus name, I declare and decree that YOU are giving birth to something NEW in your business.

It is a birthing of a dream forgotten,
A purpose unrealized,
A connection lost,
And a divine appointment undelivered.

Have you forgotten who you are?
Have you forgotten that you are royalty?
A royal priesthood?
A bridge, a connection to Christ for those God put before you?

When you live without God's passion or purpose, you are living a fractured life.
Fulfilling on a portion of your purpose is like giving 1 course out of a 7 course meal.
It's cruel, unsatisfying and never intended.

However, when you step into the full version of who you were meant to be,
There's a richness to everyday that you didn't even know was missing.
There's purpose in the pain that you never saw before.
There's comfort in the madness of this place called Earth.

I want to challenge you...

Do you think ALL you were meant to do is wake up, check your phone, run like crazy all day, come back, shuffle around with spouse and kids, grind some more and go to bed?

Do you think the PEAK of your joy in life is vacations, houses, cars, security and money?

After 80 years of living, do you think seeing your children grow up is ALL there is to life?

I want to challenge you to think NO!


Change the WORLD.
Make MASSIVE impact.
Stir hearts and nations into FAITH-FILLED TRANSFORMATION.

What are you doing settle for peanuts?

Do you feel the stirring?
Do you feel the calling?
Do you feel the itch?
Do you feel the need for change in this world?

"It only takes a spark, to get the fire going."

You are supposed to be that spark.
A long awaited spark.
A spark many have prayed for.

Where are you, spark?
Where are you hiding?
People need you!

"And I tell you, you are Peter, on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. "

Peter was the guy who denied Jesus THREE times in a few hours.
I'm talking, threw Jesus under the bus and rolled over Him,
Then backed the bus up and rolled over Him again (twice more).

Peter was so vehemently denying Jesus that he cussed up a storm.
Imagine Peter screaming, spit flinging out of his mouth, "No I don't #*$&@%* know that #*$&@%* Jesus, you son of a &^$*@!"

Yeah, that's pretty bad.
Especially when that SAME day he was bragging that he would NEVER leave Jesus.

Oh we are such silly, pathetic humans, aren't we?
I am.
We all are.
We all screw up big time, too.

But that's ok.
Look at Peter.

The thing is, Jesus knows our screw ups before we even make them.
AND He still loves us so,
AND He still died for us knowing all our bone-headed moves.

I want you to know you are meant for a GREAT things.

You are meant to move hearts and kingdoms,
You are meant to ignite passion and favor for the Lord.
You are meant to grow the rumble in people's hearts till it crescendos into a full out beating drum, marching to the steps of God's warriors into battle.

You are meant to unite,
To reconcile hurts,
Mend broken hearts,
With the LOVE of Christ.

With your last dying breath,
You would be HONORED to wake up another warrior for Christ.
THAT'S who you are.

Get up and find your spot with CHRIST,
The place you will shine the BRIGHTEST,
The place you will be most FULFILLED,
The place where you will make most IMPACT.

Answer the battle cry in your heart to fight for Jesus and the kingdom that is at hand.
That is your mission.
That is your purpose.
Don't you dare forget it.

Cheers to your PURPOSE,
FULFILLED and OVERFLOWING through Jesus Christ, Amen!
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