God "Feels" Slow But...

Here's my problem.

I like to run and run fast on things.
My attitude is, "If we're going to do this, let's DO this!"
I tend to go balls to the walls.

Here's the thing...
By doing this, I'm frequently conflicting with God's timing or plan.

God FEELS "slow" BUT...
He's actually not.
The TRUTH is, God's timing is so PERFECT He doesn't need to rush anything.

Us humans, however, we have HORRIBLE timing.
We lose time, waste it, burn it and end up running around like a chicken with our head cut off.
Classy. O_o
We are trying to make up for LOST time while God never loses it.
(He actually makes/creates it. ^_^)

So the truth is, God is not "slow",
We're sloppy and fast.

We don't know PERFECT timing.
We don't orchestrate the universe.
We don't see all the variables.
We don't PERFECTLY coordinate everything,
We can't even coordinate "ME".

So although we may THINK and FEEL God is slow...
It's only because we're ignorant to what perfect timing looks like.
We only recognize God's perfect timing it AFTER it unfolds, not before.
DURING God's perfect timing we whine, we complain and think He's too slow.
(We humans ain't that bright.) -_-

So let's all take a chill pill.
(I need an extra box of it myself.)
Let's listen for God's will and HIS perfect timing.

If God has you in a season of WAITING...
I'm right there with you. Hard core with you.
It's not what we WANT, but it's what we NEED.
So we might as well enjoy it.

Let's RE-FRAME waiting in our mind and recollaborate it with God's TRUTH.

God PREPARING me in my waiting.
God GROWING me in my waiting.
God STRENGTHENING my foundations in my waiting.

If I'm waiting a long time, then WOW! God must be preparing a REALLY BIG foundation for a REALLY BIG building!
It's ALWAYS worth the wait with God.

God is never a minute too early nor too late.

I can't even wrap my head around that type of perfect timing.
Get used to it.

God's timing is perfect,

Ours is not.
Go with the good stuff.
G-O-D's timing.

"My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts"

Let's all hold our horses and...
Seek. Listen. Obey.

Cheers to SAVING yourself time by getting into God's PERFECT timing.
Gotta Start Somewhere
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