God in the Marketplace...
The world is shaking,
The sky is rumbling,
Hearts are waking,
Spirits are stirring,
A movement is on the way...
It's in the air,
It's in the weather,
It's in the minds,
It's in the earth itself,
An awakening so riveting it will change everything we know...
The next great move of God will be in the MARKETPLACE,
That was the original church,
Outside of the four walls,
In everything we do,
In all that we see,
In everyone we meet...
That's the way Jesus was,
Drawing people closer to God,
Revealing His Father's heart,
Every day,
Every moment,
With every action,
With every conversation...
"I want to be in the MARKETPLACE" says Holy Spirit,
"Bring me into the MARKETPLACE",
"YOU are the one to bring me into the MARKETPLACE",
"Yes YOU",
"Yes YOU"...
Did you know that YOU are called to bring God into the MARKETPLACE?
YOU are chosen,
YOU are special,
YOU are created just for this occasion,
YOU have purpose,
YOU have meaning,
YOU are valuable,
YOU are precious,
In the eyes of God.
The MARKETPLACE needs God ,
Desperately so,
It needs healing,
It needs cleansing,
It needs transformation,
It needs eternal life flowing through it,
So that we can draw others close,
Provokes the world to jealousy,
Child-like faith and curiosity,
About Jesus,
About the Father,
YOU are raise up a new MARKETPLACE for God,
From the ashes of corruption, lies, manipulation and deceit,
A new light is born through forgiveness and healing.
"If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

We look at Pentecost as a pinnacle of Holy Spirit movement,
Thinking it went down hill from there,
And we stopped expecting bigger and better,
We act as if God fizzled out,
But it's the opposite,
God is just getting started,
The next move of God will be fiery hot,
Undeniably divine,
And may even make the Pentecost look like a warm-up party,
Compared to the GREATEST awakening that is still yet to come.
The world must know that...
"There is one body and one Spirit... one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all."
So let's take a visit to industries,
Let's play with Holy Spirit and imagine possibilities that are yet to be seen,
For surely miracles greater than these are on it's way...
Imagine what the REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY would look like with God in the MARKETPLACE...
Investments are no longer lead by ROI and proforma,
But by divine appointment,
By prophetic words,
By visions and dreams,
By fasting and prayer,
Seeking God's will,
As the first and only priority,
Even when it doesn't make sense,
And He turns a failing proforma into a miracle,
Blessing those that trusted and obeyed,
Faithfully even when the world mocked them,
For following God's voice,
But look who's laughing now...
Cities will be rebuilt on faith,
A spiritual remodeling of mass proportion,
Starting small and meek,
But growing into a tall oak tree,
That provides rest, peace and shade for all.
We declare these victorious possibilities in Jesus name.
God's "Wisdom makes one wise person more powerful than ten rulers in a a city."
Imagine what MEDICAL INDUSTRY would look like with God in the MARKETPLACE...
Real cures would be brought on,
By God-fearing sisters and brothers in Christ,
Through visions and dreams,
Through words of knowledge,
Through supernatural wisdom,
That bring about inventions that cure disease permanently,
Discoveries of using the most common of plants on earth,
Curiously and ingeniously brought together,
Replacing expensive and harmful drugs,
The new pharmacy is the garden in our backyards,
Instead of feeding our illness for decades,
We heal mindsets, hurts and generational curses with spiritual warfare,
Feeding on the fruits of the Spirit,
Love, joy, peace, faith and self-control to name a few,
Wrapped in scripture, prayer and worship,
We feed our wellness instead of our illness everyday,
And medicine will never be the same again...
We declare these victorious possibilities in Jesus name.
"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions."
Imagine what TECHNOLOGY would look like with God in the MARKETPLACE...
Instead of stirring up vanity, anxiety, comparison and fear,
It would be a vehicle for Holy Spirit to move in mighty ways,
To spread peace, love, joy,
Capturing miracles and testimonies that the media will never report,
Through the power of testimony and declaring God's word,
Hearts would be shaken,
Curses would be broken,
Generations would be healed,
Breakthrough technology, innovations and inventions would be led by the Spirit of God,
Companies would seek out Jesus followers as leaders, employees, industry influencers,
Because when Holy Spirit is involved,
Something is different,
He breaks all the rules,
Things that a newbie should never invent,
Keep getting invented,
And instead success bought by blood, sweat and tears of a workaholic,
It is gifted to those immersed in worship, prayer and obedience,
Instead of neglected health and families of worldly CEO's,
Godly, healthy, happy, family men and women lead tech companies at large,
Followers of Jesus would have the upper ground as we regain territory that we never tried to claim before...
We declare these victorious possibilities in Jesus name.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
God is so good and He's just getting started.
We have the same Holy Spirit in us that Paul had,
The one that hovered over the earth before it was created,
The one that is the creator of the universe,
So why are we being so lame duck in our world right now?
Why isn't our light so bright that it drowns out the darkness?
Have we forgotten the TRUE nature of our God?
One that heals and transforms without end?
Why is his throne not in the MARKETPLACE as of yet?
He's waiting on US,
He always has,
He's waiting on US,
Because He ALWAYS works in conjunction with us,
In cooperation,
In partnership,
As a team,
To accomplish His goal here on earth.
Throughout the bible,
God used simple human acts of obedience,
To unlock intriguing and crazy miracles.
Why didn't God just make the axe head jump out of the water for Elisha?
Why did he have to put in a branch in the water?
Why did Moses have to stretch out his staff?
Why didn't God just hit them with the plague without Moses?
Why didn't God just sent a lighting bolt to kill Goliath?
Why did He use David and his sling?
Why didn't God just make the walls of Jericho crumble?
Why did Joshua have to walk around like weirdos for all those days?
Why did the widow's flour and oil refill only after she used all of it?
Why not make 100 lbs of flour and oil appear at her doorstep?
Why didn't Jesus just snap His fingers and have jars of wine?
Why did the servants have to get the jars and fill it with water first?
Because God LOVES working WITH us to accomplish His will.
He LOVES working in partnership with us,
He LOVES to use our LITTLE acts of faith and obedience,
To do BIG God things.
That's His M.O.,
That's His track record,
That's His promise to us,
Throughout scripture,
Throughout time.
So it's time...
To bring God into the MARKETPLACE,
So seek God EARNESTLY for your role in this,
Because if not you,
He will go through someone else,
"And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?"
To become His vessel,
His vehicle to unleash Him to your family, school, neighborhood, and MARKETPLACE.
Let's get God out of the four walls of church that we have put Him in,
Let's let Holy Spirit play with us in the MARKETPLACE!
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Holy Spirit,
Come play with us in the MARKETPLACE,
Let's get You out of the limiting four walls of a man-made church,
And bring You into the world where people are starving for You,
You are the holiest of holies and you dwell within us.
How can we cooperate with You more?
May we reclaim territories we never tried to claim,
Let us shine your light in the world,
In government, education, business,
As well as media, entertainment, communication,
And in church, family, health.
Holy Spirit when You're involved,
We are ahead of the curve and leading the charge,
And where we are behind,
We have taken our eyes off of You.
We have taken our eyes off of You for far too long,
So we come to you in repentance,
Forgive us for our sins,
Forgive us for our corruption, greed and idolatry,
Forgive us for our apathy, neglect, and selfishness,
We come to you in prayer and fasting,
Hear our prays, O Lord, hear our prayers.
Incline Your ear to us and heal our lands,
Show up and show off,
Come take Your place,
As Lord and Savior,
Come Holy Spirit, come!
Show us the way and help us follow,
In Jesus name, Amen."
Hold on to your seats,
Get ready for the ride of your life!