God is Bigger than Our Mistakes...

Did you know that God is BIGGER than our mistakes?

There is an interesting conundrum when it comes to following God's will.

As humans...
We try to do our best to follow God's will.
We don't always know if we have it RIGHT.

Sometimes it can feel RIGHT,
Sometimes it can feel WRONG,
Sometimes it can feels WEIRD.

There can be a fear of getting it wrong.
It can tempt us to revert back to doing it OUR way, not God's way.

What we don't realize is...
We fear that our mistakes are BIGGER than God.


"For God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of LOVE and of a sound mind."

The enemy wants you to be afraid...

What if I have it wrong?

How do I know I'm following God correctly?

Remember, God is BIGGER than our mistakes.

The devil wants you to doubt, fear and give up.
He wants you to fear being WRONG.

Here's the TRUTH:
You will not always FEEL like you know what you're doing.
That's why they call it "stepping out in faith". ^_^
Sometimes you will feel uncertain, insecure or doubtful.

But here's the question that matters most.
1) Are you GOOD with God?
- Is your intention 100% to obey God?
- Are you doing everything you can to obey Him?
- Are you willing to do His will no matter what?

If the answer is "YES", then you are GOOD with God.

God knows your heart.
He doesn't care about your actions.
He cares about your heart.

Remember, God is BIGGER than our mistakes.

If you make a wrong move but your heart was 100% in obedience and humility,
God will honor that.
If you took your time to seek God, listen and obey,
God will honor that.
God will meet you where you're AT.

No matter how big the mistake,
God is BIGGER than our mistakes.

There is NO mistake that God cannot fix.
There is NO screw up that God cannot redeem.
There is NO bad decision God cannot turn into good.

Remember, God is BIGGER than our mistakes.

God is GOOD.
Our tiny human actions CANNOT mess up His great plans.

God is BIGGER than that.

So, now that you are reminded how BIG God is...
Step out in faith and try to walk in His plan a little bit more today.
Step out in faith and get outside of your comfort zone a bit more today.

And remember...
God's got you.
BIG time.
In His righteous right hand.

Grant me the desire to do Your will.
Grant me the discernment to hear your voice.
Grant me the strength to carry out Your desires.

In Jesus name, I declare that everyone will be emboldened to desire You more today.

In Jesus name, I declare that You will flow through everyone here in a mighty way.
In Jesus name, I declare victory and unleash the fullness of Your plans into everyone's life now.

Unleash more love, joy, faith, and hope,
... than ever before.

In Jesus name Amen.


How will you step out today in faith? ^_^
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